Ivan’s narrowed gaze stared back at her for several seconds before he spoke again. “Something you should know about Jax. He’s a man of honor, which means he doesn’t work for liars.”

Poppy flinched. “I haven’t lied.”

“Haven’t you?” Ivan tilted his head slightly. “I’ve seen the way you look at him, you know. Tonight at your apartment, and after, while the three of us were here.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she denied his claim.

She hadn’t looked at Jax inanysort of particular manner. Had she?

“It’s okay. I know it’s not your fault. Jax has a certain quality about him. Think it’s the whole bad-boy image he’s got going on. Draws the ladies in like bees to fucking honey.”

“I’m not drawn to him,” Poppy countered. And she really didn’t want to think about Jax and all of hisladies.

“Ah, see…” Ivan made a click of his tongue. “There you go with the lying again. Better watch doing that around Jax.”

“Is that a threat?”

“Nope. Just a friendly piece of advice. Oh and there’s something else you should know about my boss…”

“What is that?”

“He’s not built for relationships. Serious or otherwise.”

An unexpected tidbit that Poppy wasn’t quite sure how to take. On the one hand, she wanted to tell Ivan where he could stuff his ‘helpful’ hints about the man he used to serve with. On the other, his assessment of the sexy P.I. had her even more curious than before.

Unable to stop herself, Poppy responded with a drawn out, “And you know this because…”

“I’ve been by his side for over a decade. I see the women who come…and then go from his office, and I know they rarely get invited back for an encore performance.” Ivan removed his arm from the bar and relaxed his stance. “It would be in your best interest to remember that.”

“Oh, I see. So now you’re looking out for me; is that it?”

Poppy didn’t know what this man’s angle was, but she’d had enough of his veiled pseudo threats and insinuations.

“As a matter of fact, yes.” He surprised her with what sounded like a genuine answer. “I am.”

Okay, now she really was confused. “Aren’t you one of Jax’s closest friends?”


“Then why would you try to warn me away from him?”

A warning that was completely unnecessary, at that. She and Jax had a business relationship. Period.

“I love Jax like a brother,” Ivan stated without pause. “Honestly, I wish like hell he’d settle down. Find a good woman who can put up with his bullshit. Maybe get a dog…have a kid or two. I had that, once.” A haunted look crossed his eyes. “At least I thought I did, anyway. But Jax, he’s just not—”

“Built that way,” Poppy finished for him. “Yeah, I got that. Still doesn’t explain why you seem more concerned about me and my feelings than you are of his.”

“Make no mistake, Penelope.” Ivan’s gaze locked on hers. “I’d trade my life for Jax’s without a moment’s regret. But you’re very, very different from the type of women he takes into his bed, and I just…” He paused. “I’d hate to see you get hurt.”

She was done with this confusing and highly inappropriate conversation. Walking out of the kitchen, Poppy stopped inches from where Ivan stood.

“I’ll never be able to repay either of you for what you did for me yesterday.” She decided to let him know exactly what she thought about his ‘friendly’ piece of advice. “But I’m a big girl, Ivan. I get that I’m small-town Kansas, but unlike the majority of women I saw down in the club the other night, I’m not some naïve twenty-something who’s all tits and no brains. When it comes to men and relationships, I can take care of myself. More importantly…who I do or do not allow intomybed is none of your fucking business. Are we clear?”

Poppy’s heart pounded against her ribs, but she kept her composure and schooled her expression. She expected Ivan to respond with a scathing retort or some other form of Alpha male entitlement.

What she didn’t expect was for the man to smile.

It wasn’t a wide toothy grin by any stretch of the imagination. But the corners of Ivan’s lips definitely curled, and impossible enough, a flash of admiration seemed to filter behind his stormy eyes.