The waiting was torture, and when a half hour passed with no visible activity, he was ready to storm inside and take the bastard out himself. But then…
“They’re coming out!”
The announcement came from one of the HRT operators near the van.
Grady’s heart thumped hard, his pulse spiking as he caught his first sight of Isobel as she exited the building with her hands held high in the air. Walking behind her was a man fitting their HT’s description.
Timothy Vale.
“Don’t shoot!” she shouted at the officers surrounding them. “He’s unarmed!”
Like Isobel, Vale had his hands raised palms-up. As the two of them slowly made their way closer to safety, the gorgeous shrink turned and said something to Vale.
After giving his former therapist a quick nod, Vale lowered himself to his knees and linked his fingers back behind his head.
A sea of black swarmed in and within seconds, the terrorizing scene was over.
“See? What did Sarge tell ya?” Declan grinned. “Garcia’s a fucking rock star.”
The other man was right. Isobel was damn good at what she did. Butthis?As far as Grady was concerned, this was too damn close for comfort.
A little over an hour later,he and Declan were back at the station finishing up their official reports of the day’s events. Thanks to Isobel’s bravery, every hostage had been released unharmed—including her—and Vale had been taken into Federal custody without incident.
It was the best possible outcome for a hostage situation.
So why are you still pissed?
Before he could answer the internal question, the Major Crimes bullpen erupted in applause.
“Okay, okay.” Isobel’s voice reached Grady’s ears before he saw her. “I appreciate the gesture, but it’s really not necessary.”
He pushed himself to his feet and went to her, careful to keep his expression neutral as he spoke. “You got a minute?”
“Actually, no.” Her mesmerizing eyes met his. “I came to speak with your Sergeant.”
Isobel tilted her pretty head. “Sorry. That’s confidential.”
Grady’s patience with this woman was already razor thin. If she thought she could stonewall him behind some BS claim of need-to-know…
“Sarge isn’t here.” He may have flashed her a smug smile. “Got called to a meeting with the brass. So I guess you have that minute after all.”
“Guess so. Where would you like to talk?”
“Follow me.” Grady turned and headed for one of the empty observation rooms down the hall—away from prying eyes and ears.
Choosing one he knew would remain free for the time their little chat would take, he opened the door and held it, ignoring the enticing scent of vanilla and coconut filling his nostrils as she stepped past.
“Okay, Detective.” Isobel turned and faced him. “What’s so important it couldn’t wait until after your shift?”
Grady shut the door behind him. Helockedthat door, and then…
He took her in his arms and slammed his mouth to hers.
The kiss was hot. Desperate. And not nearly long enough to ease the fear still icing his veins.
“Don’t ever do that to me again,” he growled.