To his and Declan’s right, the brave, frustrating woman was now standing in front of the van with a phone to one ear, her free hand waving as if to get their target’s attention.
What the…
“She’s going to get herself killed!” Grady began marching across the cool asphalt to where his boss stood.
“Thorne!” Declan hollered after him. This was followed by a low curse and the sound of the other man’s booted footfalls as he jogged to catch up. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Putting an end to this.”
But it was too late. He was already shouting at Riedell. The man who signed his paychecks.
“Pull her back, Sarge!” Grady ordered his boss. “She’s going to get herself and everyone else inside killed.”
“On the contrary, I believe Dr. Garcia just might be the key to ending this whole thing peacefully.”
“How so?” Declan’s breathing was slightly labored as he joined them.
“The man inside is Timothy Vale. Before today, he had no major priors. Just piddly-ass stuff. Shoplifting, bounced checks, that sort of thing.”
“How does a guy like that turn into someone who’d do something like this?”
“That’s what Dr. Garcia is here to find out.” Riedell removed his glasses and wiped his brow. Squinting against the afternoon sun, he added, “Vale used to be a patient of Isobel’s back when she was still doing private practice.”
“That still doesn’t mean she should be on the front lines of this thing. She’s not a cop, Sarge. Hell, she doesn’t even have a gun!”
“Look, I get that your first instinct is to protect those who can’t do it themselves, and that’s an admirable quality in a cop. But this isn’t your call, Thorne,” Riedell reminded him. “So I suggest you take a breath and stand down.”
“I’ll stand down when Dr. Garcia is behind the line and out of this asshole’s crosshairs.”
“Guys—” Declan tried to put a stop to the heated debate.
Both Grady and Sergeant Riedell ignored him and kept on.
“Don’t forget who you’re talking to, son.” Their boss rested his hands on his hips.
“I haven’t forgotten anything. But bringing a civilian into a situation like this is reckless at best.”
“Guys—” Declan tried…and failed…again.
“Bringing Dr. Garcia in on this was the Feds’ call, not mine. Regardless you’re skirting dangerously close to crossing a line, so I suggest you back the fuck off and—”
Both Grady and Riedell swung their heads toward Declan, both men hollering back in unison,“What?”
“Not sure if this was part of the plan, but it looks like Dr. Garcia is heading inside.”
Grady’s eyes flew to the spot where Isobel had just been standing, only to find that stretch of pavement empty. Looking toward the restaurant’s front entrance, his heart leaped into his chest when he realized what she was about to do.
Either she didn’t hear him or was blocking him out. She just continued walking slowly across the small lot, not stopping until she was standing right in front of that damn door.