* * *

Two years later…

The store’s so busy I don’t spot him at first. I’m sitting behind the counter with a fan pointed at my face. It’s a hot day outside, and the number of customers is making it hotter in here.

Not that I mind. I like seeing it busy. Keeps me happy to see this many people out buying their vacation reads.

I get another kick from Blanche, making me wince. I rub my hand over my bump, silently asking her to ease up. She ignores me and prods where my hand ends up.

“Ready to come out yet?” a man asks, nodding toward my bump.

I look up and find myself staring into the same eyes as Angelo’s, only older.

“Giovanni Genovese,” I say. “What are you doing here?”

“Heard it was a good place to spend a summer. Thought I’d come look for myself. Got to find somewhere to live when I retire.”

“You’ve been saying you’re going to retire for two years.”

“And I will. How have you been?”

“Good. You want to speak to Angelo?”

“Is he here?”

“Next door collecting my seaweed and risotto cupcakes.”

He wrinkles his nose the same way Angelo did when I first told him what I was craving. “You like that?”

“Baby does. I have very little say in the matter. Hey, don’t look at me like that. Last week I wanted to eat the carpet at home.”

“I hope you resisted.”


Angelo appears behind him. “Don’t serve this man,” he says. “He can’t be trusted.”

Giovanni spins around and glares at him before bursting out in laughter. “Good to see you, son.”

“Don’t get too close. These cupcakes are lethal.” He hands the box to me. “On your own head be it.”

“There’s nothing wrong with these,” I tell him, sticking my tongue out.

Giovanni sets a book down on the counter. “Monasticism for beginners,” he says. “You read it?”

“Can’t say I have,” I reply as I ring it up.

“Thinking of retiring to one. Angelo put the idea in my head when he brought me that book on Buddhism.” He takes the book back from me, handing over a twenty-dollar bill. “Keep the change.” He looks down at the book. “Done a lot of bad things in my life. Maybe there’s still time to atone.”

“Got time for lunch at least?” Angelo asks. “We’re closing for lunch soon. You can join us if you like.”

* * *

A half-hour later, we’re sitting together in the diner. I wave across at Cara and Eileen, eating together in the corner.

“You need to get Jasmine any time soon?” Giovanni asks.

“I’ve got a couple of hours until school finishes,” I reply.