“We’ll see about that. Make sure you’re at the bank at nine tomorrow.”

I get to my feet. “Flavio, fuck off. I want to speak to my father alone.”

He looks again like he might say something, but then he sees my eyes and he scurries out with his tail between his legs. “You shouldn’t speak to him like that,” Father says. “He might be in charge around here if you don’t buck your ideas up.”

“He’s going to double-cross you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Let me guess. He came up with the idea to meet me at the bank, to get into the vault, to keep an eye on me, right?”

“So what?”

“So what’s to stop him shooting me as soon as I give him the box? Then he takes the contents and sets up his own empire. Have you thought about that?”

“Why would he when he might inherit this one?”

“Because he’s probably getting the same vibes off you that I am.”

“Vibes? What is this, Woodstock?”

“This is a test, isn’t it?”

“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Yes, you do. You want to know if I can handle this situation. If I can come out of it unscathed and rich. You’re waiting to see what I do, aren’t you?”

“Where are you getting that from? I want the contents of that vault.”

“No, you don’t. You want to see if I can be loyal to you or loyal to my wife. You want to see who survives tomorrow. It’ll be me. You sure you want Flavio to die for this test?”

“I want you to do your job is what I want.”

“I’m doing my job. I’m getting an heir, like you wanted. I’m bringing two of the families together, like you wanted. I’m resolving your problems, like you wanted.”

I head over to the door and pull it open. “Just for the record, I’m doing this for the money, not for you and not for her.”

“I don’t believe you,” he replies. “You let Winnie go. You let Luigi go. I had to round them up and have them both shot because you’re too pussy to do it. And if you’re too pussy tomorrow to do what needs doing, I’ll know the truth about you, won’t I?”

I walk through and shut the door, spotting Natalie still sitting at the bar. Someone’s pointing a finger at her. Who is that?

I work it out an instant later. Andrea. Fantastic.

Winnie dead. Luigi dead. It makes my life easier but how will Natalie take it when she finds out? I’m guessing, not well. She didn’t like either of them but I can’t imagine she’ll be happy to hear my family has murdered them.

I walk over in time to hear Andrea reaching the end of her rant. “I’m marrying him, you fucking little bitch. Who the fuck are you, anyway? A fucking Mason? Your family is dead and good riddance. I’m marrying Angelo so you should fuck off out of here before I scratch your eyes out of your head.”

I’m about to tap Andrea on the shoulder when Natalie drains her beer and gets off her stool. “You listen to me, you whiny little cow,” she says. “You think you can intimidate me? You need to stop your hands trembling first. You don’t even believe your own bullshit. You want to fight over a man like we’re cats in an alley? Go find someone who wants you and stop moaning at me. Otherwise, get those claws out and bring it on.”

Andrea splutters out a few half words, her face turning red. “But he’s supposed to marry me.”

“Go away,” Natalie says. “My man’s here.” She reaches past her, slipping her hand into mine and squeezing it lightly. “Can we leave?”

“Sure we can leave.”

“Ask him about Winnie and the sheriff,” Andrea calls after us. “Your Mr. Perfect isn’t a white knight. He’s a goddamned killer.”

Chapter Nineteen