He growls. “I’ll make you pay for that later.”

“Will you now?”

He nods. “You want to know what happened to Flavio and Andrea?”

“I was afraid to ask.”

“In custody.”

“They’re not dead.”

“Nope. The cops came and got them out. I left a note with the box and out they came straight into cuffs.”

“Charged with what?”

“They were working with Winnie. Took out Luigi, held on murder and bank robbery. My father let me decide what should happen to them. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted them all dead, but seeing them in custody will be much more rewarding. They’re looking at years inside. I pulled some strings to make sure Winnie ends up in the same court as them. They’re not getting out any time soon.”

“So it’s over?”

“Pretty much. Only one thing left to do. No, actually, two things.”

“Which are?”

“One is watching cartoons with our daughter.”

“And the other?”

“Kiss you.”

He leans over and presses his lips to mine. I melt in his arms as he holds me. All too soon our embrace is interrupted by a shout from the lounge. “Are you coming or what? I thought you were going to watch TV with me.”

“The life of a father,” I say, rolling my eyes. “You better go.”

He takes my hand in his. “And you better come with me. We’re in this thing together.”

“I suppose we are. You don’t know what you’re letting yourself in for with her. Not too late to change your mind and get out of here.”

“Not a chance. I love you too much.”

“You love me?”

“Have I not said that before?”

“Not once.”

“Well, I’m saying it now. I love you, Natalie.”

“And I love you too.”

“Come on,” Jasmine yells. “You’re missing it.”

We walk through to the lounge and settle on the couch next to Jasmine. I slip my hand into Angelo’s and he squeezes my fingers. It’s a small gesture but it means the world. His other arm is over our daughter.

We sit as a family and watch TV. Together.

Same as we will every night for years to come.
