Then he broke from the pack, and she forgot all about the other handsome guys. Good God, he was magnificent. Stealthy, graceful, and wild. Exotic. She covered her mouth when a strangled whimper escaped.

And his head turned. His steps slowed to a stop.

Her hand fluttered down to press against her chest. Oh God, he was looking right at her. Her heart pounded, thundering in her ears. His loose black hair was wild about his shoulders. His black T-shirt was stretched tight across a muscular chest. His golden brown eyes narrowed on her and his gaze sizzled through her, hot and electric.

"Carlos!" a teammate yelled just as he hurled a pass.

Bam! The ball slammed against Carlos's head and he stumbled to the side.

"Carlos!" his teammates shouted in dismay.

He rubbed his head, then glanced again at Caitlyn. He didn't attempt to stop his redheaded opponent, who took the ball. As far as Caitlyn could tell, he wasn't paying any attention to the game. He was completely focused on her.

"Uncle Angus!" Tino yelled from beneath the goal.

The redheaded man tossed him the ball. Constantine levitated up to make a basket.

Teddy blew a whistle. "Game over. Fangs win!"

Constantine's team whooped in victory and took turns tossing the birthday boy into the air. The other team soon joined in the celebration.

Caitlyn noticed Carlos talking to the redheaded man, the one her nephew called Uncle Angus. The two men strode through a glass door leading to the first wing and disappeared down a hallway. A jab of disappointment pricked her. He hadn't bothered to meet her.

"Mommy!" Constantine ran to Shanna and flung his arms around her. "Did you see me? I made the winning basket!"

"You were fantastic!" Shanna lifted him in her arms. "I'm so proud of you."

"He scored more points than I did." Roman wrapped an arm around Shanna's shoulders and kissed her cheek.

"That's because Uncle Angus always passes the ball to me," Constantine boasted. He looked at Caitlyn curiously. "Hello."

"This is my sister, Caitlyn," Shanna told him. "Your aunt."

"Then you know Grandpa?" Constantine asked, his blue eyes wide with hope. "Did he come with you?"

"I'm afraid he couldn't make it." Caitlyn ached for the little boy. "But I'm delighted to finally meet you."

"Me, too." He grinned and reached out to her.

Caitlyn's heart squeezed in her chest as she took him from her sister and felt his little arms wrap around her neck. In that instant she knew she could never let anyone hurt this little boy, no matter what kind of blood flowed through his veins.

"Thank you for coming." Roman extended a hand to her.

She swallowed hard.

Tino pulled back to look at her. "You're afraid?"

"No, I'm fine." She quickly shook hands with Roman.

"Caitlyn just found out about vampires," Shanna explained, "so she's still in shock."

Roman nodded. "You have my word, Caitlyn, that no harm will come to you here."

"Let's have cake and ice cream!" Constantine wiggled out of Caitlyn's arms. "Come on."

"I'll join you in a little while." Caitlyn tousled his blond curls. "Save a piece of cake for me."

"Okay." He ran inside when his dad opened the door.

"See you soon." Shanna smiled, then entered the cafeteria with her husband.

Caitlyn retreated across the basketball court as all the players and spectators hurried into the cafeteria. She spotted a gazebo in the distance and strode toward it. The strains of "Happy Birthday" wafted toward her, and she glanced back at the cafeteria. The song ended with applause and laughter. Apparently, vampires liked to party.

She wrapped her bright yellow cardigan around herself to ward off the chilly night air and resumed her stroll toward the gazebo. The farther she walked, the darker it became. Her red silk embroidered handbag bounced gently against her hip.

The stone-flagged path led her up a gentle incline. Clumps of yellow daffodils sprung from the grass. Hyacinths in shades of purple, pink, and white added their sweet fragrance to the air.

As she neared the gazebo, the unmistakable sounds of passion drifted from the interior. She halted as a woman let out of long, soft moan.

"Oh, Robby, we need to stop. We're missing the party."

"I canna wait another minute," he grumbled in a low voice. "I need you now, Olivia."

The woman let out another long moan that Caitlyn could only interpret as surrender. She tiptoed across the grass, headed in another direction. A feminine squeal emanated from the gazebo, followed by a masculine growl.

Sheesh. Caitlyn hurried away. Apparently, vampires were very seductive. Images of Carlos flitted through her mind but she shoved them away. He wasn't interested in her. He'd looked her over, then walked away.

She spotted a cement bench underneath an oak tree and strode toward it. She couldn't put off reality any longer. She needed to deal with it. Vampires.

She skimmed her fingertips along the rough bark of the oak tree. According to her sister, vampires were as real as this tree. Now she understood Howard's cryptic warning that it was what was inside that really mattered. The Vamps appeared to be generous and kind. And they wanted to protect mortals from the bad vampires.

Caitlyn sat on the bench. What was she going to do? First, she needed to talk to Dad and make sure this was all real. She had a terrible feeling deep in her gut that it was. After all, Shanna's husband manufactured synthetic blood - a perfect job for a vampire who didn't want to bite people. And her dad had warned her never to come here. It explained why he refused to let her mom visit her grandchildren. He considered this enemy territory.

As far as Caitlyn could tell, she had three choices. First option: she could pretend none of this had ever happened. She could find employment that had nothing to do with vampires. She could lead a normal life.

Boring. She never did boring. She loved adventure. And she was not the type to hide from reality.

Option two was accept her sister's world and family and take the job with Emma MacKay's company. She could work all over the world and meet a lot of interesting...people, alive and Undead. Major drawback: danger from the bad vampires.

Option three was also accepting the world of vampires, but taking the job with her dad. As a member of the CIA Stake-Out team, she'd have an exciting life, fighting bad vampires. Unfortunately, she'd never been the sort to engage in physical conflict. And what if Dad decided Roman, or worse, Constantine, was bad?

She sighed. At least now she understood the animosity between her dad and her sister.

"Damn," she whispered. She was going to have to choose which side of the family feud she was on.

Chapter Three

"I'd like to go as soon as possible," Carlos told his employer as they strolled down the hallway to the MacKay security office.

Angus MacKay frowned. "I'd feel better about this if ye had some real evidence."

Carlos understood his boss's hesitation. Angus had financed his last two expeditions, one to Belize and one to Nicaragua. Both trips had yielded zero results. "Actually, it's the best lead I've had in years. According to Pat, the informant saw a wild jungle cat change into a human after it was killed."

Angus halted mid-step. "That is promising. But what if he's making it up?"

"Pat believes him."

"And who is Pat?" Angus resumed his walk to the office.

"Professor Supat Satapatpattana from the Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. I call him Pat for short."

"I wonder why," Angus muttered as he pressed his hand against the security pad by the office door.

"Chula is a prestigious university, and Pat is a well-known anthropologist. He wouldn't have passed the report on to me if he didn't believe it was true."

Angus nodded. "Then ye'll have to check it out. Go ahead with yer plans." He opened the door. "Howard, how's it going?"

Carlos exhaled with relief. Maybe this time he would succeed. It had been five years since the Summer of Death, five years since he'd witnessed his family and friends being slaughtered. As far as he knew, he and five orphans were all that were left. He had to find more of his kind. He had to find a mate.

Howard's and Angus's conversation faded into background noise as memories bombarded Carlos's mind. So much death. The stench of burning bodies. The choking smoke of burning villages. His parents gone. His brother gone. Everyone murdered. Everything destroyed.