Angus went pale.

"Imagine how Sean Whelan would react if I kill his daughter." Carlos collapsed in the chair. "He'd find a way to destroy us all."

"Then ye must be careful no' to bite her. If ye love her, ye will protect her." Angus rose to his feet. "But I want her on the trip with you. She can help you more than anyone. Ye should be able to leave in a week."

"Yes, sir." He'd keep his hands off Caitlyn. He had to.

Angus strode to the door, then paused. "Before ye leave, I want you both to give blood samples to Roman."


Angus smiled sadly. "I'm no' sure, but if anyone can figure out a way to help you two, 'twould be Roman."

Caitlyn was giddy with excitement as the day neared for their departure. She hoped her enthusiasm would be contagious, but Carlos remained angry and aloof. He insisted she continue her training with guns, knives, and martial arts, and he taught her himself. He worked her hard, continuously reminding her that if she didn't toughen up, the jungle could kill her. She suspected he was taking revenge by making her miserable. At any rate, she was too sore and exhausted to flirt with him.

She contacted her friends at the embassies in Bangkok and Chiang Mai and arranged for visas in case she and Carlos stayed in the country over thirty days. She made flight and hotel reservations. She did everything she could to prove her usefulness to Carlos, and he managed to grumble thanks a few times.

Shanna drove them to the airport to see them off. She hugged Caitlyn fiercely as Carlos unloaded their bags. "I just got you back in my life. I can't believe you're going."

"That makes two of us," Carlos muttered.

Shanna pinned him with a stern look. "Don't you dare let anything happen to my sister."

He stiffened with an indignant look. "I'll protect her with my life."

Caitlyn batted her eyelashes at him. "That's so romantic."

He scowled at her.

Shanna eyed the two backpacks in his hands. "Is that all you're taking?"

Caitlyn made a face. "He insists we travel light."

"You don't roll a twenty-nine-inch upright suitcase through the jungle," Carlos grumbled.

Shanna smiled as she adjusted her sister's khaki-colored fedora on her head. "You look like a female Indiana Jones."

Caitlyn glanced down at her khaki pants and hiking boots. "All I need is a bullwhip."

"We'll be buying our weapons after we arrive," Carlos announced. "I've already made arrangements."

Shanna turned to Caitlyn with beseeching eyes. "This sounds dangerous. Are you sure you should do this?"

"No, she shouldn't," Carlos growled.

"Yes, I should," Caitlyn insisted. "Don't pay any attention to him. He's an old sour puss."

He snorted.

Shanna hugged her once again. "I'm going to leave before I start crying." She drove away.

Forty-five minutes later Caitlyn settled in the window seat next to Carlos on the 747 that would take them to Bangkok.

She fastened her seat belt. "Wasn't it wonderful of Angus and Emma to spring for first class tickets?"


"It's an incredibly long flight, you know."


"They'll show us a movie or two."


She leaned close to him, smiling. "I love traveling with you. You're so agreeable."

He gave her an annoyed look. "Are you going to talk the whole time?"

She smiled sweetly. "Yes."

He groaned and closed his eyes.

After take-off, the first meal was served, then the lights were dimmed. Many passengers tilted their seats back to try to sleep.

Caitlyn turned her head to look at Carlos. His eyes were closed, his brow smooth and relaxed. She admired his thick black eyelashes and sharp nose. A gold stud gleamed in his ear. His jaw was shaded with dark whiskers. Overall, the most gorgeous man she'd ever known.

He'd mentioned once before that his kind tended to attract women. She'd seen proof of that just walking through the airport. Female heads turned in his direction when he passed by. Something about being a cat, she supposed. One young woman had literally walked into a wall while ogling him, and another tripped and fell over a suitcase.

"Do you grow whiskers?" she whispered.

He grunted, his eyes still shut. "Didn't shave this morning."

"No, I mean real whiskers. You know, when you..."

He opened his eyes to frown at her. "I'm not talking about it here. There's not enough privacy."

"But I want to know what it's like. I'd love to see you when you're - "

"No, you wouldn't. It would mean we're in danger." He angled his body in his seat to face her. "I've given this a lot of thought, and I want you to pretend to be my wife on this trip. It'll be the best way for me to protect you."

Her mouth dropped open. "You're proposing to me?"

"Pretend wife. Just to keep you safe."

"Ah." She smiled. "But will I be safe from you?"

His jaw ticked. "Yes."

"I already booked two rooms in Bangkok and Chiang Mai."

"We'll change it to one. I'll sleep on the floor."

"That doesn't sound very comfy."

"In a few days we'll be sleeping in the jungle. How comfy does that sound?"

She grimaced. "I was hoping we wouldn't have to leave the hill tribe. They have little houses on stilts."

"One more thing I want you to understand. I'll be in charge on this trip."

She arched a brow. "Really? I didn't vote for you."

"I have more experience. If things get dangerous, you need to do exactly what I tell you to do. It's the best way to keep you safe."

"Fine." She crossed her arms. "And since we're making demands like a dictator, I have one. Don't let your professor friend and your guide know that I can understand every word they say."

"Why would you want to deceive them?"

"So I can see how trustworthy they are." She smiled grimly and repeated his words. "It's the best way to keep you safe."

"Fine." He lounged back in his seat. "I guess we have each other's backs."

"I'll take whatever body part you can give me."

He snorted.

"I also want to know all about you."

He shrugged. "No point."

"I disagree. If I'm going to help you, I need to know as much as possible, especially if I'm going to pass as your wife. In fact, you'll have to act a lot more friendly and affectionate to me, or no one will believe we're married."

He smirked. "I didn't say we were happily married."

She swatted his shoulder. "There you go, ruining our marriage before we can even get started."

He chuckled.

She smiled. "Now that's more like it. After all, I have to assume you like me if you were willing to marry me."

"Pretend marriage. And I like you very much. That's why I'm so worried about your safety."

Her heart swelled at the compliment. "That's why you were such a slave driver this last week?"

"Yes. And I was angry that you wheedled your way into my plans."

"I just want to help you and the children. Now tell me everything you can."

"It's not private enough here."

"Tell me in Portuguese. I'll understand." She patted his hand. "Please."

Carlos heaved a sigh. "Fine. But first you have to tell me why you lost your job at the State Department."

She gave him an annoyed look. "That's old news."

"As your pretend husband I should know. Did you accidentally stab an ambassador in the groin?"

She laughed. "No. I helped a woman leave the country. She's with friends now in the States, and she's safe."

"She was in danger?"

"Her father had her marked for an honor killing. He wasn't happy with some of the Western ways she'd adopted."

Carlos grimaced. "That was a reason to kill her?"

"Yes. He raised a big stink about me helping her escape. I got in trouble for interfering, but I'd do it again."

Carlos nodded, his eyes glimmering in the dim light. "You are a brave woman, Catalina."

Her heart expanded and she gave him a sly smile. "You must be proud to be my husband."

"Pretend husband."

She touched his hand. "Now it's your turn to talk."