She sat on the bench and patted the space beside her. "Tell me what's wrong, Coco."

The little girl climbed onto the bench and wiggled up close.

The second girl, who appeared a few years older, ventured closer. "I forgot your name."

"I'm Caitlyn. And you are?"

"Raquel. Raquel Gatina." She lifted her chin proudly. "We're from Brazil."

Coco's thin shoulders shook as she burst into tears. "I want to go home. I...I'm so tired of this English. It's hard."

"Sweetie." Caitlyn patted her on the back. "You speak whatever you like. I'll understand." Her comprehension would be immediate, but it would take a while before she could start responding in the girls' native language.

Raquel stepped closer. "Are you serious?"

"Try me."

Coco gazed up at her. "I feel bad," she said in Portuguese.

"Why do you feel bad?" Caitlyn asked in English.

The girls exchanged surprised looks.

"Coco's mad at Constantine," Raquel explained in Portuguese. "She says she hates him."

"I don't want to hate him," Coco wailed. "I like Tino. But it's not fair!"

Raquel sniffed. "Tino has family and friends. We don't."

Caitlyn's heart squeezed. "You have each other. And from what I could tell, every woman at the party loves you and wants to be your aunt."

Raquel frowned and kicked at the ground. "They just feel sorry for us because we're orphans."

"Tino has a mommy and daddy and a sister," Coco whispered. "My mommy and daddy and sister are dead."

Caitlyn gulped. "How did that - I'm sorry. I'm sure you don't want to talk about it."

Raquel perched on the bench next to Coco. "Some bad men came to our village and killed our families. They hate us because we're different."

Caitlyn sucked in a deep breath. Good God. Were the girls' families killed because they were vampires? That was unconscionable. It reminded her of racial purging. It could not be allowed to continue.

She was struck suddenly with a moment of crystal clarity. If she took the job offered by Emma MacKay, she could work to protect innocent children like Coco and Raquel. And her niece and nephew.

Coco tugged on the sleeve of her cardigan sweater. "Am I bad 'cause I'm mad at Tino?"

"No, sweetie. It's normal to be envious when someone else has what you want for yourself."

"I really do like him." Coco sniffled. "I want to be happy for him, but it's not fair."

"I know." Caitlyn stroked the girl's long black hair. "But in a strange way, you can be happy that the world isn't fair."

Raquel stiffened. "But it should be fair."

"Think about it," Caitlyn said softly. "In a world that was totally fair, everything that happened to you would be because somehow you absolutely deserved it."

Raquel's mouth dropped open. "We - We didn't deserve it."

Coco sat up, her eyes wide with horror. "The bad men came because I'm bad?"

"No!" Caitlyn grabbed the girl by the shoulders. "You are good. You are a sweet, innocent child, and there is no way you could ever deserve what happened."

Raquel jumped to her feet. "Then why did it happen?"

Tears filled Caitlyn's eyes. "Oh, honey, I don't know why there's evil in the world. I think it has something to do with free will, so people can decide to be good or bad."

"I want to be good," Coco whispered.

Caitlyn blinked back her tears. "Sweetie, you are good."

"If we're good, why did that bad thing happen to us?" Raquel cried.

Caitlyn winced. She was in seriously over her head. "I don't know. It shouldn't have happened to you. I'm so sorry that it did."

Coco burst into tears and threw her arms around Caitlyn's neck. Raquel sidled closer, looking hesitant to ask for comfort.

"Come here." Caitlyn pulled the older girl onto her right knee. Her own tears spilled over as she listened to the girls' soft cries and felt their small bodies tremble.

Great job, she chided herself. Instead of making them happy, she'd brought them to tears.

She thought back to when she'd been stationed in Thailand and she'd visited the Tiger Temple. She'd asked a Buddhist monk the same question Raquel had asked her. He'd simply smiled and said it was better to consider all that was good in the world that brought love and joy. She pointed out that he'd avoided giving her a real answer.

"Sometimes there are no words to answer. Only love," he replied. "And love is always the best answer."

So she sat silently, hugging the girls and hoping it was enough to give them some comfort.

Slowly, a sense of purpose and completion seeped into her. She'd been fired from the State Department because she'd interfered with local customs in order to help an innocent woman. She didn't regret her actions. She'd do it again in a second.

Maybe that was her true mission in life. Protect the innocent. She was here at this moment because these girls needed her. Her whole life had been a maze of turns and decisions, all leading to this.

"I'm going to be here for you," she whispered to the girls in Portuguese. She wouldn't let anyone harm them because they were different.

"You know our language?" a deep masculine voice asked in Portuguese.

With a gasp, she turned her head. Good God, it was him. The gorgeous mystery man. The vampire.


Chapter Four

Caitlyn dragged in a shaky breath. What was it about this man that made her feel so raw and ragged? It was as if every nerve cell was exposed and vulnerable. And instead of frightening her, it excited her.

He stepped out of the shadows, moving so stealthily and quietly she wondered how long he'd been there. How much of their conversation did he hear? Since he obviously spoke Portuguese, he would have understood the girls.

"Uncle!" Coco scrambled off the bench, ran to him and flung her arms around his waist.

Uncle? Caitlyn watched as he patted the girl on her back. Was the uncle an honorary title? Coco had said her family members were dead.

Raquel approached him slowly, as if afraid her need for affection would be rejected.

Caitlyn exhaled with relief when he drew the girl closer. Somehow, he didn't display the same gracefulness he had while playing basketball. His movements seemed hesitant and awkward.

"Are you all right?" he asked quietly in English.

"Yes." Raquel motioned toward Caitlyn. "We made a new friend."

His gaze shifted to Caitlyn and his eyes narrowed. "Yes, I know."

She had a strange suspicion that he was annoyed with her, but that didn't make any sense. "How do you do? I'm Caitlyn Whelan."

"Yes, I know."

She waited for him to introduce himself, but he simply watched her, his amber eyes gleaming and intense, as if he were sizing up his prey. Maybe to a vampire, she was prey. She suppressed a shiver. "You're Coco's uncle?"

His mouth thinned. "I'm her guardian. We need to get back to the party. Thank you for your assistance."

He was annoyed. Why would he object to her helping the girls? Caitlyn looked at Coco and Raquel. "If you ever need to talk again, I'll be happy to listen."

Coco grinned and ran to her. Raquel followed, and Caitlyn wrapped her arms around them, pulling them close. When she noticed Carlos scowling at her, she couldn't resist needling him.

She smiled a sweet invitation. "Group hug?"

His gaze drifted down to her feet, then inched slowly back up. "I don't do groups."

Her skin tingled with sensual awareness, but she refused to let him know how much he unnerved her. "I don't do strangers."

His wide mouth curled up on one side. "I don't consider you a stranger. I know your name."

"You didn't tell me yours."

His eyes glimmered with heat. "Yes, I know."

She suspected he was playing cat and mouse with her. She lifted her chin. She was not the sort to accept the role of mouse.

Coco tugged on her sweater. "Will you come to the party with us?"

"You go on with your...uncle," Caitlyn replied. "I'll see you in a little while."

"'Bye!" The girls ran back to Carlos.

He inclined his head at Caitlyn. "Good evening." He turned to escort the girls back to the cafeteria.

"So long." Caitlyn couldn't resist one last jab. "Carlos."