"Why?" She turned her head slightly, and her temple brushed against his mouth. She looked away, her muscles constricting under his hands.

"Relax." He gently massaged her shoulders. "Close your eyes, menina."

"What are you going to do?" she asked with a breathy voice.

"I'm going to tell you a story." He stroked his fingers along the tender skin of her neck and paused when she shivered. Merda. She was so susceptible to his touch. And she smelled so good, it took all his control not to pull her into his arms and kiss her senseless. "Close your eyes."

"I don't trust you."

"Catalina," he whispered. "You have the gun. You have the power. Close your eyes."

She lowered her head and her eyes flickered shut.

He leaned close, his lips next to her ear. "You have a lover."

"I don't think so." Her shoulders rose, tensing again.

"Play along with me."

"You wish."

He dug his fingers into her shoulders, pressing them down, and she moaned. "You were madly in love with him. You gave him your heart, your soul. But then he did you wrong."

"He kissed me, then acted like it was a mistake?" she muttered.

Carlos winced. "Yes, that is exactly what the bastard did. Now open your eyes and shoot him in his black heart."

She lifted her head, clasped the gun with both hands, and took aim. Bam! She swayed back from the recoil, bumping against Carlos's chest. He steadied her, holding her against him. The paper man shuddered with a hit.

"You did it!" Phineas ran up to the counter and pushed the button to activate the pulley that would slide the paper target close to them.

"Damn, woman." Phineas gave her a horrified look. "Remind me never to make you angry."

Caitlyn gasped as the paper came close enough for her to spot the bullet hole with her mortal vision. "Oh dear."

Carlos winced. She'd blasted the man right through his balls. "Well, I think we should be positive about this."

She looked over her shoulder at him with a grateful smile. "That's what I always say. We should look at the bright side."

Carlos returned her smile. With a small mental jolt he realized his headache was much better. The scent and feel of her was so damned sweet.

"There ain't no bright side," Phineas objected. "The man's got no gonads."

"But she hit the target," Carlos said.

"The man has got no gonads," Phineas repeated forcefully.

"It was an accident." Caitlyn set her gun on the counter. "I was aiming for his chest."

"You blew his pecker into Connecticut," Phineas muttered.

She grinned. "I think you have issues, Phineas. It was only a paper pecker."

"The worst kind," Carlos added.

She laughed, and his heart stopped. She sounded like music and tinkling wind chimes and the trill of birdsong all in one. Making her laugh made him feel like he could conquer mountains.

"Would you like to practice some more?" he asked.

"I think I should stop while I'm ahead." She ejected the cartridge from her automatic. "My ears are ringing."

Carlos removed his cell phone from his pants' pocket. Maybe enough time had passed and her father was gone. "I'll see if it's okay for you to go upstairs."

"Why wouldn't it be okay?" she asked.

He hesitated. "Your sister and the children are in the nursery."

"Oh, I'd love to see them." Caitlyn slipped her shoes back on and reached for her suit jacket.

"And your father's there," Carlos added.

She paused with her jacket half on. "Oh."

"He brought a present to Tino," Carlos continued. "Angus and Emma sent me down here to warn you. They figured you wouldn't want to see him right now."

"Oh, man." Phineas shook his head. "Your dad's gonna be pissed when he finds out you're working for MacKay."

"He has to find out sooner or later." Caitlyn finished putting on her jacket. "I might as well get this over with."

"Are you sure?" Carlos asked.

She took a deep breath. "Yes. I made my decision, and I'll stand behind it." Her eyes hardened with a glint of anger. "Besides, I have a few questions for my father."

Chapter Eight

Caitlyn exited the elevator and strode across the foyer. Just as she entered the hallway, she spotted her father leaving the nursery. His head turned at the sound of her heels on the marble floor. His eyes widened.

She steeled her nerves for his reaction.

"Caitlyn," he demanded, "what are you doing here?"

She continued to walk calmly toward him. "I work here."

He flinched, then his face turned red. "The hell you do. Is this some kind of sick joke?"

Shanna peered out the open top half of the nursery door and gave Caitlyn a worried look. "There's no reason for anyone to get upset. I'm sure we can discuss this in a rational manner."

"It's really quite simple," Caitlyn added. "I've accepted a job with MacKay Security and Investigation."

"No!" Sean's face grew a darker red and his hands fisted. "I've lost one daughter to this foul place. I refuse to lose another!"

"There's nothing wrong with this place." Caitlyn stopped across the hall from the nursery.

"It's infested with vermin," Sean hissed. "Foul creatures of the - "

"Enough!" Shanna stepped into the hall, closing the nursery door behind her. She lowered her voice. "Don't talk like that in front of my children."

Sean ground his teeth as he visibly fought for control. "This is a nightmare." His head snapped to the side and he glared. "Get lost. This is a private conversation."

Caitlyn whirled around and found Carlos walking toward them. Damn. He didn't follow instructions well. She'd told him and Phineas that she wanted to handle this alone.

"Don't mind me," Carlos muttered as he strolled by. "Just passing through. I have a meeting to attend."

Sean waited till Carlos swiped his ID card by the MacKay security office, then he stepped closer to Caitlyn. "I can't believe you did this to me. Do you know how hard it was to get the CIA to accept you? They were not impressed by the fiasco you created at your last job."

Caitlyn glanced at Carlos. He'd paused outside the door, his head cocked in a way that made it obvious he was listening. Damn him. Though she probably deserved it for eavesdropping on him last night. "I wouldn't call it a fiasco."

"It got you fired," Sean argued.

"It saved a woman's life." She noticed Carlos had stopped pretending not to listen. He was now leaning against the door, studying her with his gleaming amber eyes.

"It caused a scandal," Sean said. "I had to call in some major markers to get you a job working for me."

"I appreciate your efforts, but I decided to work here."

"That's ridiculous." Sean gave Shanna an angry look. "This is your fault, isn't it?"

Shanna frowned. "I invited her to Tino's party last night and explained the situation to her."

"You mean you brainwashed her," Sean growled. "You were always the one to cause problems."

"She did nothing wrong." Caitlyn jumped to her sister's defense. She had a terrible feeling there were secrets she still didn't know about. "I could see with my own eyes that the vampires, mortals, and shape shifters here have combined to make one loving, supportive family. And I'm happy to be a part of it."

"I will not allow it," Sean growled. "You will not live with these monsters!"

"I'm not a monster!" Tino yelled.

Caitlyn gasped when she saw the little boy had levitated so he could see over the closed bottom half of the door. "Dad!" she shouted, drawing his attention to her before he could turn. "My mind is made up." She noted with relief that Shanna was hurrying into the nursery to grab Tino.

"Cait, you're not thinking clearly," Sean said, facing her. "Who would you trust the most - vampires or the government?"

She tilted her head. "That's a tough one."

Carlos chuckled.

Sean spun toward him. "What the hell are you doing, listening in on us?"

Carlos smiled. "Good night, sir." He glanced at Caitlyn and switched to Portuguese. "Brava, menina. You're a brave and fearless fighter."