Page 92 of Sinful Tyrant

“Who knows, but I’ve got no choice, Bex. I have to do what he says. I can’t risk losing the baby.”

“I can sort this out,” I tell her. “Let me speak to Hunter about it.”

“No, you can’t tell anyone. Brody said he’d kill us both if anyone found out about this. You’ve got to keep it to yourself.”

“All right, but I can help you. Give me a day or two, and I’ll work something out. At least get you a bassinet and some diapers.”

Catherine looks at me closely, like she’s seeing me for the first time. “Why would you help us after what I did for Brody?”

“Because I believe you, first of all. Because it’s the right thing to do, and now I’ve met Brody several times, I know why you did what you did. He’s a scary son of a bitch.”

“Do you think I’ll go to prison for this? Hunter told me he was firing me because he found out about the money we stole. He told me to tell him the truth about why I took it, but I couldn’t risk it. What if Brody found out?” She rubs her bump again. “Please, Bex. Promise me you won’t tell him.”

“I’ll do what I can,” I reply, kneeling beside her. “May I?”

She takes my hand and puts it on the bump. “Feel that?” she asks. “She’s kicking like mad. Wants to be out.”

“Wow, yeah. I feel that. Good grief. Isn’t that painful?”

“You kind of get used to it.”

I stand up again. “If I sort this out, would you be willing to change your statement about me?”

“Of course, but what are you going to do?”

“Leave it with me. Have you spoken to Melanie and Buffy about all this?”

“Yeah. They told me to keep my mouth shut and do what I was told, promised they’d help me with money once this was all over. Melanie said they’re both strapped for cash at the minute but swore she’d help as soon as possible.”

I reach into my handbag, bringing out the five thousand Hunter gave me. “It’s all I’ve got on me,” I tell her. “But I’ll see if I can get some more from Hunter. I’ll say you deserve some severance pay. I’ll make him pay it, I promise.”

“This is too much,” she replies. “I can’t take this.”

“It’s pocket change to a guy like Hunter.” I fold her fingers around the notes. “Do it for the little one.”

She squeezes my hand. “Thank you,” she says. “I’m so sorry you got stuck in the middle of this.”

“It’s not your fault. Brody did this, and I’ll make sure we sort it out.”

I head for the door. Eddie sees me out, smiling at me as I go. “I told her she should tell you, but she’s so scared. Listen, I’ll work for the money you gave us. Tell Hunter I’ll work for free for him until I’ve paid back the whole amount. I don’t want him to think we’re mooching off you two.”

“Stay calm. I’ll be in touch.”



* * *

I look in at Melanie through the restaurant window. Struggling for cash, she said. That’ll be why she’s eating lunch at Caviar Palace.

She’s sitting opposite Buffy. They’re in the middle of a meal, and a champagne bottle on ice is next to them. I walk straight in, acting like I only went out for a smoke. The waiting staff assumes I’m returning to my table, so they barely acknowledge me. I head straight up to Melanie. “Not that strapped for cash,” I tell her. “This is a three hundred dollar a head restaurant.”

“What are you doing here?” she asks, glancing nervously around her like she thinks I might have brought Hunter with me.

“Relax,” I tell her, pulling over an empty chair and sitting between the two of them. “I’m on my own.”

“What do you want?” she asks. “Come to tell me to back off? It’s too late. You’re the one in the shit. You better do what Brody says before you get locked up.”