Page 82 of Sinful Tyrant

“Go throw him out but do it quietly. Don’t let the commission see.”

“On it.”

Toby moves away just as Bex reaches me. My father kisses her cheek before moving away, leaving her frowning at me. “Something wrong?” she asks.

I glance at the back, but Brody is nowhere to be seen. “No,” I tell her. “It’s fine.”

Barry coughs to get us both to look his way. The music ends, and he opens his Bible. “We are gathered here today in the sight of God and these good people to witness the union of these two. First, I am required to ask if anyone here has any reason why these two should not be married; state it now or forever hold their peace.”

I tense up, waiting for Ernesto or Brody to shout something, but there’s only silence. I relax as the priest continues with the vows. I look into Bex’s eyes. They sparkle more than the diamond ring on her finger. She seems genuinely happy. Is she acting, or has this become real for her? It’s impossible to say, and I can typically work this shit out in an instant.

She puts her ring on my finger. The moment it slides home, I feel that strange sensation again. I look at her, and my heart seems to overflow. Am I acting anymore, or is this real? Is that possible? Could love actually exist? Is that what I’m feeling toward her?

We hold hands while Barry finishes reading out the vows. He ends with a quotation from the Bible before looking out at the crowd and beaming. “I now pronounce these two husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

I take hold of her with both hands and embrace her. It doesn’t feel fake. It feels real. The touch of her lips to mine sends something through me I’ve never felt before. I step back at once. I don’t like that feeling. It unnerves me.

There’s a round of applause as we walk down the aisle together, hand in hand. We get outside, and I’m just helping her into the limo when I get a tap on my shoulder. “Mind if I have a word?”

I turn around to find Brody standing there with cuffs out. “What the fuck are you doing?” I ask him.

“Hunter Lombardi. I’m arresting you for—”

“Not this shit again. I swear to God, Brody, I’ll break your fucking neck. It’s my wedding day.”

“—for the murder of Oswald Lewis.”

Bex’s head appears in the doorway of the car. “What? What did you say?”

“You have the right to an attorney,” Brody continues, grabbing my arm. “If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.”

“Skip it,” I tell him, yanking my arm free. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“I would have thought that was obvious,” Ernesto calls from the top of the steps. “You’ve been a naughty boy, haven’t you, Hunter?”

Alicia has appeared with my father at the entrance to the church. “What’s happening, Daddy?” she asks.

“Nothing,” I call back. “Just go back inside with grandpa, sweetie.”

Bex is looking at me with disgust in her eyes. “I told you not to kill him. I begged you not to do it, but you did it anyway. You bastard. I can’t believe you would do that.”

“I didn’t kill him,” I snap, pushing Brody back from me.

“Don’t add assault to the list of charges,” he says, waving his hand behind him. Half a dozen patrol cars pull up out of nowhere. Out come the goon squad, all armed, guns pointed directly at me. “You coming with me, or are you getting gunned down here? Your choice Hunter.”

“I can’t believe you killed him,” Bex says. “You promised me you’d leave him alone.”

“I swear to you, I haven’t touched him.”

“Yeah, right. Once a crook, always a fucking crook. I should never have had anything to do with you.”

Brody laughs as he takes my arm, pulling me down to the nearest patrol car. “Mind your head,” he says, pushing me into the back. He taps the roof, and the car sets off. I look behind me at the limo vanishing into the distance. Ernesto is talking to Bex, a smile on his face, a smile I vow to knock off the first chance I get.



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