Page 74 of Sinful Tyrant


“Part of his keeping emotions out of this, I guess.”

“Maybe he’s waiting until the wedding night.”

“After what happened with his wife, I hope not.”

“His wife? Shit, I forgot about that. Oh my God, what if he tries to kill you? You have to get out of there.”

“He told me he didn’t kill her.”

“Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he?”

There’s a knock on the bedroom door, which opens before I get a chance to say anything. Alicia bounds in wearing her bunny pajamas. “It’s bedtime,” she says. “Time to read you a story.”

“Doesn’t she mean read her a story?” Ursula asks.

“Who’s that?” Alicia moves her head to look at the screen, waving frantically. “Hi. Why are you covered in bubbles?”

“Because I’m in the bath. Is it time for Bex to read you a bedtime story?”

“Nope. It’s time for me to read to her.”

“Oh, I get it. Well, I better go. Call me later.”

“Will do,” I say, peering around Alicia’s head. “Speak soon.”

She hangs up, and Alicia tosses the phone onto the bed. “Come on,” she says. “I want to see what happens in the next chapter.”

“I’m betting Harry casts a spell of some kind.”

“Have you read it?”

“Yes, but I won’t give the ending away.”

“Daddy says I can read them all one after another.”

“I think maybe the first couple, but the rest might not be suitable until you’re older.”

But Daddy said—”

“Daddy hasn’t read them. I have. I’ll speak to him later. You go jump into bed while I get changed out of this.”

“Why? It’s a lovely dress.”

“I know, sweetie, but I don’t want to damage it. I have to wear it tomorrow.”

“Okay.” She runs out of the room, leaving me to get changed.

I manage to get out of the wedding dress. The next time I put it on, I’ll be getting married. That’s an odd feeling.

I know I shouldn’t do it, but I want to. Despite everything, I like the idea of being married to Hunter. I get the feeling that while I’m his bride, Oswald won’t be able to get near me. Feeling protected is good, but not something I imagine I’ll get used to any time soon.

I know it’s only short-term, but maybe I can make a fresh start afterward. Move on with my life. Oswald is no longer a problem. Wouldn’t that be something?

Once I’m dressed again, I head to Alicia’s room. “Brushed your teeth?” I ask her.

She opens her mouth wide and breathes on me. “Minty fresh,” she says. “Now, come on!”