Page 50 of Sinful Tyrant

I slide open the top drawer of the chest near the TV. I reach inside for the gun Ursula’s mom insisted we brought with us when we moved in here.

It hasn’t been touched since it went in the drawer, and I’ve no idea where the bullets are, but the intruder won’t know that. My trembling fingers grope through old keys, takeout flyers, rubber bands, and all sorts of crap, but I can’t find it. It’s not there.

“Looking for this?”

I let out a gasp as the lamp by the couch switches on, lighting up the room and Hunter sitting there with the gun in his hand.

“I’m curious,” he says, setting it down on the coffee table. “How were you planning to shoot me with an unloaded gun?”

“What are you doing here?” she asks, stopping dead, hand still in the drawer.



I run my eyes down her body. A loose tee shirt, but it only brushes her thighs. I bet she’s naked under it. Her nipples are hard and poking through the fabric. She’s got a flustered look on her face, the same look she had coming out of the airplane bathroom.

“Have you just been touching yourself?” I ask.

“Answer the question. What are you doing here?”

“Collecting you.”

“I’m not a prize at the arcade. You don’t get me for a hundred tickets. How did you get in?”

“The Super gave me a key.”

“He did, did he? Have you ever considered that this is trespassing?”

“It’s for a good cause. You need to pack a bag. Don’t take too long. I abhor waiting.”

“Get out.”

I shake my head, wondering how much to tell her. “Oswald tried to get in here,” I say at last.

“Sorry, what?”

“The cameras I had installed link directly to my security team. They saw him trying to break in downstairs. They took him away, and I came to collect you. Clearly, it’s not safe for you to be here. You’re coming to my place tonight.”

“Oswald was here?” Her knees seem to give way for a moment before she takes a deep breath, forcing herself upright. She points directly at me. “You said I was safe from him. You promised me.”

“He’s persistent. I’ll give him credit for that. Unfortunately for him, so am I. I said I would deal with him, and I will. I’ll make the offer again. Would you like him killed?”

“No, I would not. I just want both of you to leave me alone.”

Ursula emerges from her bedroom, yawning loudly. She’s got a purple gown wrapped around her and an eye mask pulled onto her forehead. “What are you doing here?” she asks. “Am I dreaming this?”

“Toby is outside,” I say. “He will take Ursula to one of our hotels, where she will remain while I deal with Oswald. You will come to my house to meet my daughter tomorrow morning. If you choose not to stay, the hotel suite has two rooms. You can both stay there on my dime.”

“What’s going on?” Ursula asks, yawning again. “Who is this?”

“Oswald tried to get in,” Bex replies. “Hunter says it’s not safe here.”

“That’s Hunter? Wait, what? Oswald tried to get in? That asshole. I wish someone would break his fucking neck. Save the world a whole lot of trouble.”

“I offered,” I say. “She declined.”

Ursula smiles like she thinks I’m joking. “Do you think he’ll come back?”