Page 39 of Sinful Tyrant

“Tell her it’s only for a month. Fill the contract with so much verbiage she doesn’t notice the key bits. Two months and a marriage. Bury it in the paperwork. Make it seem that this is all about Alicia, nothing to do with you. Make it clear that if she leaves early, she gets nothing, and you won’t just fire them all. You’ll withhold their pay.”

I stroke my chin. “You think she’ll fall for it?”

“She’s nineteen today.”


“She’s young and innocent. She won’t suspect a thing.”

“And what about the fact she already turned me down?”

“Since when do you accept being turned down? You want her, take her. That’s what Ernesto did with Julia.”

“I am not my brother.”

“You want to win. You’ve got to be willing to get your hands dirty.”

“All right. Send her in and draw up the contract. I want it ready for her to sign in an hour’s time.”

“You got it.”

I straighten my tie, tidying the desk, ready for her arrival. When she comes in, I motion toward the chair opposite mine. “What is it?” she asks as Toby leaves, shutting the door behind him.

“I want you to reconsider my offer.”

“I already said no.”

“You said you didn’t want to work with a criminal. Is that right?”


“I’m not a criminal, Bex. If I do one illegal thing during our two months together, you will be able to walk out and still get paid.”

“That’s it? That’s your improved offer?”

I let my shoulders sag slightly. “I don’t want my daughter to turn into me. You could help me with that. I don’t know what I’m doing with her. I need help.”

“So hire a nanny.”

“I have. Lots of them. They all quit one after the other. They won’t work with crooks. Or with her. She’s a handful, let’s put it that way. I could do with some help, and I know you could be good for her. You care about people. I don’t.”

“I said no, I mean it.”

“You come to my house and meet her. At least do that for me. You decide at that point to walk away, and I’ll pay you ten thousand dollars.”

“Sorry, how much?”

“Just stay for a month, and I’ll pay you a hundred thousand. Either way, you win. Come to my house tomorrow morning and meet my daughter. I’ll have the contract sent over tonight for you to look at.”

She looks at me, her expression tight but giving everything away. She thinks she’s in control of herself, but she’s not. I can’t resist smiling.

“What?” she asks. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“You told me not to do the Sherlock Holmes shit. I’m not saying a word.”

“You don’t get to grin at me and then refuse to say why. What is it?”

“You’re worried you’ll fall for me. Trust me, you won’t.”