Page 146 of Sinful Tyrant

“Nope, but he’ll figure it out sooner or later.”

“Do you mind giving it away?”

“I have everything precious I need in this room with me right now.”

“Not everything. I’ve got a present for you. Wait there, and I’ll go get it.”

“Not going anywhere.”

I head up the stairs to our bedroom, the plug rubbing against me the entire time. I walk into our room and get changed, picking up his gift from the bottom of the wardrobe where I hid it yesterday. I walk back downstairs and into the study. He looks up at me and frowns.

“You’re wearing your coat,” he says. “We going somewhere?”

I slip the coat off my shoulders. All I’ve got on underneath are my heels. That and my hold-ups, with a tinsel bow around my waist. “Your present,” I say. “You okay I didn’t wrap it that well?”

“You wrapped it just fine,” he says, getting to his feet and walking around the desk.

“Oh, good,” I say, reaching behind me and bringing out the gift. He looks surprised but takes it from me. “What’s this?”

“Your real present.”

“Shouldn’t we save it for Christmas Day?”

“Nope. Open it.”

He tears at the wrapping and begins to laugh. “How did you know?”

“It’s the Blu-Ray of Rocky Horror.”

“I can see that.”

“Notice any writing on the front?”

He looks closer. “Signed by Richard O’Brien and Meatloaf before he died. Wow, you are good at gifts.”

“I know.”

He drops the Blu-Ray on the desk before reaching out and undoing the tinsel bow. “Now I get to unwrap this one.”

“Thought you’d want to save this one for Christmas.”

“Not a chance.”

He reaches forward, grabbing hold of me and plunging his tongue into my mouth. His hands slide down my back, feeling the plug and moving it from left to right. “Put that coat back on,” he says a moment later. “I think it’s time we went for a drive together.”

“We can’t do that. It’s our party.”

He frowns at me. “I’m the Don. I can do whatever I want.”

“I hope you choose to do me.”

“Oh, you can be sure of that. Get that coat on, or I’ll take you to the car in just those heels.”

“Hey, that’s not right.”

“Why not?”

“I’m wearing hold-ups on as well.”