Page 121 of Sinful Tyrant

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I wake up without a hangover, unlike Ursula. She drank plenty at the bar, but I didn’t feel like it. I’ve been feeling ill for the last couple of days. I’m guessing due to my anxiety about all this shit with Hunter and Brody. Even though the charges were dropped about me importing drugs and stealing cash, I can’t help but think he’s going to try something else.

I stuck to orange juice all night, but I still ran to the bathroom and threw up within minutes of getting out of bed.

“You all right in there?” Ursula asks from outside the door.

“Not great.”

“Wouldn’t worry too much. You’re probably just nervous about the court hearing. What time is it happening?”

“Ten thirty.”

“Want me to come with you? Bit of moral support?”

“You can do, but you don’t have to.”

“Hang on, someone’s calling your phone.”

“Could you get it for me?”

“What if it’s Hunter?”

“It won’t be.”

She’s quiet for long enough that I can wipe my mouth and splash water on my face. As I get dry, she knocks on the door. “It’s Eddie. Apparently, Catherine’s been taken in to be induced.”

“But she’s not due yet, is she?”

“They had a scare last night, so they drove in. He wants to talk to you.”

“Hang on.”

I pull the door open and take the phone from Ursula. “Eddie?” I say down the line. “Is Catherine all right? Is the baby okay?”

“Thank you so much,” he replies. “I can’t believe you would do that for us.”

“Sorry? What did I do exactly?”

“The money. That’s so generous of you. I don’t know what to say.”

“What money?”

“Mr. Lombardi’s lawyer came by last night with the check.”

“The check? What check?”

“The check for two hundred thousand dollars. We can pay off our mortgage with that. I can take time off work to look after the baby. Hunter said he didn’t mind me taking all the time I wanted.”

“Wait. You spoke to Hunter?”

“Yeah. Why?”


“He came to see us at the hospital just now. I told him about the check, and he said that was all on you. Nothing to do with him.”

“So you’ve seen him?”