Page 102 of Sinful Tyrant

“Like I’m some toy for you to play with. Giving me commands left and right. Do I get no say in anything anymore?”

“I’ve never pretended to be something I’m not, unlike you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You pretended this marriage was about love.”

“Isn’t it?”

“I don’t see love in your eyes, my dear. I see hatred. Anger. A little lust, some fear. But I don’t see love.”

“Maybe if you treated me like you loved me, I’d return the favor.”

He laughs, pointing his fork at me. “That’s a good one. We both know the truth. There is no such thing as love.”

“Wow, back to that. You think that if you like, Hunter. See where it gets you.”

“Come on, you’re with me for the money. You’re not here for anything else. Oh, maybe to save your co-workers’ jobs.”

“That’s what you think, is it? Right, fine, yeah, sure. I’m only here for the money. The stuff we did together, all I was thinking of was the money.”

“Told you.”

“Why are you talking to me like this?”

“I can talk to you however I please.”

“Why? Because I’m your wife? I didn’t marry you so you could treat me like shit.”

“I’m not treating you like shit. I’m cutting through your bullshit. You want to be dominated. You want to submit. You enjoy doing it. Why not just admit it?”

“That’s exactly what Oswald used to say to me when he was choking me.”

He slams his fist onto the table. “He was a worm. You will not mention his name in front of me ever again. You got that?”

I put my cutlery down. “You know what, fuck you. I’m not hungry.”

He acts like I’ve not said anything. “Alicia has a field trip on Monday. She’ll be back Monday night. I’ll be out once dinner is over, so you have the house to yourself for a while. Try not to do anything stupid, don’t get drunk or anything like that. You’re needed in the office first thing Monday to run through the plans for the next issue.”

“You know, it’s funny. It sounds more and more like I’m working for you rather than married to you.”

“You are working for me until I persuade the commission—”

“To accept Alicia and not need to get me pregnant. I know all this.” I walk over to the doorway. “I know it was dumb of me, but I thought maybe there was more to this than simply getting richer than you already are. I guess I was wrong. I hope your money brings you all the happiness you deserve. Just so we’re clear. I’ll be getting a divorce from you the first chance I get. I can’t believe I thought you actually cared about me.”

“I do care about you.”

“No, you don’t. Look how you just spoke to me. Stand up, flash your pussy. Sit down, and do as you’re told. You might as well put a collar on me and call me Fido.”

“Listen, there’s no need for you to talk about getting a divorce.”


“Yeah, an annulment will be easier. Less paperwork.”

“Great, thanks. At least I know where I stand.”

I walk out of the room and head upstairs. When I went down, I had a vague idea that leaving my panties and bra behind might lead to a steamy session together. Somehow we ended up having an argument. I’m not even sure how it happened.