Page 67 of Sinful Tyrant

There’s a beep on my phone. I glance at it. “She’s on the way in,” I tell Toby. “Get the dress to my place for tonight, and I’ll see you there. United Church?”

“Of course.”

“Good. At least I’ll know where the exits are if Ernesto tries to spoil things.”

“Got to say, it’s fucked up of the Don to exclude Alicia from all this.”

“Not his decision. It’s the commission that makes the rules. He just enforces them.”

He grins as he gets to his feet. “For now. Soon you will be in charge, and I’ll ask for a raise. See if you need the commission to give you the nod for that.”

“I’ll raise my foot into your ass if you don’t get on with your job.”

He slaps a hand to his forehead in a mock salute before heading out the door. I glance at my phone again. The tracker shows Bex is in the building. I head over to the door and look out at her desk. She comes in a minute later, stopping to talk to one of the other employees. I get a decent length of time to just look at her.

She looks as beautiful as ever. She’s wearing a pair of pants in white that clings to her legs, revealing the curves of her hips. Her blouse is tailored well and accentuates the shape of her tits without making them too exposed. She’s tied her hair back, which means nothing hides her perfectly kissable face.

I blink, and I can see her moaning when she comes. The thought gets my cock twitching. As if she knows, she glances my way. She looks furious.

I beckon her up to me. Her shoulders are set hard, but she doesn’t disobey. Pity, I almost want her to, so I have an excuse to spank her. She looks glad to be away from whoever she was talking to.

“You wanted me?” she asks when she reaches my office.

“Did Alicia get to school all right?”

“She did.”

“They called me about twenty minutes ago.”

“Really?” Her anger shifts into worry. “What did they say?”

“You told them about what was happening to Alicia and that they’re investigating it.”

“Oh, good. I’m glad because they seemed defensive about the whole thing when I spoke to them.”

“I pay a lot of money for her to attend that school. They probably don’t like a nanny telling them they missed something.”

“Is that all I am to you, a nanny?”

“I saw you reading with her last night. I was impressed.”

“You saw that?”

“Don’t look so embarrassed. You did a good thing. I don’t know why but she clicks with you. She never read to any of the other nannies.”

“She’s a great kid and the only reason I haven’t gone to join Ursula yet.”

“There was me thinking it was my company.”

“Dream on.”

“How is your friend doing at the hotel?”

“Ordering room service that you’re paying for. Getting massages about once an hour and living in the spa when she isn’t here. I reckon she’s doing all right.”

“Good. I’m still working on the Oswald situation, but I need to know your plan for today.”

“I’ve got a meeting with Jo and Eric to sort out a schedule for upcoming catwalk shows.”