Page 52 of Sinful Tyrant

“She’s joking,” I tell him. “That will be all. Thank you, Jeremy.”

We walk through the entrance hall. Or at least, I do. She stops in front of one of the statues. “This is a copy, right?”

“This is the original.”

“Bullshit. The Greek one was lost. I know that much. The only versions we have are from Ancient Rome.”

“Was lost. I found it.”

“You found it? Where, a flea market? Yard sale?”

“Can’t remember now. It was a while ago.” I tap the discus. “Discobolus of Myron. By modern standards, an inefficient way of throwing a discus, just in case you were wondering.”

“I wasn’t. Sorry, are you saying this is the original Greek statue the whole world thought was lost?”

“I’m saying this certainly seems that way, doesn’t it?”

“You’re teasing me. I’m not falling for that again.”

I turn away from her, heading into the guest lounge. I sink into an armchair as she follows me, scanning the room. I try to see it from her point of view. The Queen Anne cabinet. The Chippendale chairs. The bust of Caesar on the piano. “Not what you were expecting?” I ask as she gawps at the paintings on the wall behind me.

“What kind of criminal are you?” she asks. “These things are exquisite.”

“A very successful criminal.” I smile at her. “That was a joke. I’m glad you approve. I like beautiful things, hence why I invited you here.”

“You’re a cheesy SOB at times.” She shakes her head. “I didn’t think places like this existed outside of books.”

“I’ve been fortunate in life, I will admit that. Now, you’re up on the second floor. I’ll have you collected at eight in the morning, ready to meet Alicia. Would you like me to bring your suitcase up for you?”

“I can manage.”

“Then I will bid you goodnight. Up the stairs, the first open door you see. There’s a buzzer by the bed. Use it if you need anything. Staff available at all hours to fulfill all needs, including fresh batteries for your bullet vibrator.”

“I think I’ll cope for one night without it.” She sighs, shaking her head again. “What’s the plan? Keep us in the hotel forever? What if Oswald comes back?”

“If the police refuse to lock him up, my people will have a talk with him, persuade him to stay away from you.”

“It’s funny. You say persuade, but you make it sound like threaten with force.”

“Interpret it how you wish.”

“Why would you hurt him? He did nothing to you.”

“He attempted to attack me in Rome. More importantly, he has hurt you. I will not let him do it again.”

“But why?”

“Because I protect my investments.”

“Is that what I am to you? An investment.”

“Precisely. I need someone to look after Alicia for a month while I finalize the most important deal of my life. It is in my interest to hand her care to someone I trust, and I trust you.”

“You hardly know me.”

“I know your mother is dead, and your father killed her. My father killed my mother. We have that in common. I know why you don’t celebrate birthdays. I know the noise you make when you come. I know you care enough about your colleagues at work to even consider my offer.”

I like the look she gets on her face when I say that. “I had my people investigate your past. I could not risk my daughter being put in danger. You are not dangerous. You are no risk to her or me. Despite your background, you have never been in trouble with the law. That is commendable. You are the right person to look after her. I also know that when you sit like that, I can see your pussy.”