Page 37 of Sinful Tyrant

“Which only leaves me with one option.”

Toby shakes his head. “I still say you find a hooker willing to pretend.”

“He’d see through it in a second. Got to be genuine.”

“Then you’re fucked.”

I manage a smile. “I have something.”


I walk over to the window, pushing it open so we can see out. Bex is at her desk, typing at her computer, a frown on her face as she concentrates. “See her?” I say, nodding her way.

“The blonde?”

“Behind her. The dark-haired one.”

“What about her? Hang on, is that the one from the airport? The one you wanted the file on?”

“That’s her.”

“You think she’ll go for it?”

“I’m certain of it.”

She glances up at me, looking away at once. I close the window, returning to the desk. “What do you think?”

He looks at me, narrowing his eyes. “I think you might be in love at last.”

I can’t help but laugh. “You know there’s no such thing as love.”

“I’m married, aren’t I?”

“No one marries for love.”

“Then why do they get married? Enlighten me.”

“Power mostly. Fear of dying alone. Wanting kids. Someone to fuck. Lots of reasons.”

“No chance of affection at all?”

“All marriages are shams. This one will be no different.”

“You’re saying you can get her to fall for you well enough to fool your father? Marry her in time to beat your brother and take over the famiglia? Yet you will feel nothing for her?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying. Ernesto has his wedding booked for Christmas Eve. I have to get hitched before then, and I take over when Father dies. Simple.”

“If you can make him believe she loves you. How are you going to do that?”

“Same way I do everything.”


“I prefer the term persuasion.”

“Same thing, isn’t it?”

We both laugh. I cross to the window again, looking out once more.