Page 27 of Sinful Tyrant

“Yet here you are, sitting behind a reception desk first thing in the morning.”

“I’m not a receptionist.”

“Of course. Sitting there for fun?”

Sarah pauses the video, looking up and inhaling sharply. “Can I help you?” she asks, her eyes blinking slowly, her mouth falling open.

“I’m here to see Melanie Harrison.”

“Is she expecting you?”

“I doubt it. I was going to do this over the phone, but I thought I’d rather come in person and look the building over.”

“You new here?”

“In a manner of speaking. Where will I find her?”

“I’m afraid I can’t let you up without an appointment.”

“That’s a shame.” His eyes darken, and he leans over the desk. Sarah breathes in again. I can feel her entire body tensing up next to me. “Where is she?”

“Tenth floor,” she blurts out. So it’s not just me that confesses things to him without wanting to. Looks like he has that effect on everyone.

“Thank you. Good day to you both.”

He walks to the elevator while Sarah breathes out slowly, her shoulders sagging. “Oh, shit,” she says. “I would toss a dozen kittens into the ocean to grind that guy’s bones.” She turns to look at me. “Is he not the hottest guy you’ve ever seen?”

“I guess he’s all right,” I reply, hoping my face doesn’t give anything away.

“Are you blind? He’s incredible. Shit, I never wanted to be an elevator so much in my life. Then he could climb inside and ride me until my bell rings.” She glances down at the screen. “Where was I? Oh, yeah. That anyone you know?”

I look. She paused it a couple of minutes after I entered the bathroom.

“That’s Buffy,” I say out loud.

“And she’s holding a white bag. That the one you’re missing?”

“I might have guessed.”

“Hasn’t Buffy been gunning for your job?”

“You heard that too, did you?”

“I hear everything down here. You want the footage kept?”

“If you could, I’ll speak to her about this now.”

“What if she denies it?”

“I’ll bring her down to show her.”

“I’ll have the popcorn ready.” She smiles. “Hey, that’s guy’s back.”

I look over at the elevators. Hunter is standing there, staring at me, arms folded across his chest.

“Thanks, Sarah,” I say, walking around the desk again.

“You’re very welcome. You might want to have a few more mints, between you and me.”