Page 24 of Sinful Tyrant

“I warned you about this,” he says, raising his hand in the air. “You must be punished.”

I’m in the world’s shortest skirt. When did I agree to that? The hem brushes my hips, exposing my naked ass to his gaze. I look back over my shoulder in time to see his hand slap down onto my rear.

I sit bolt upright in bed. The pain is so real it’s like it actually happened. I sit for a moment, my heart pounding in my chest. The feel of his hand on my ass, the sting deep inside me, even the scent of him, all still lingering. Like he’s here with me.

Why did I dream that? I feel it between my legs. I’m wet down there. Was I enjoying that dream? Is that possible?

I glance at my bedside clock. Seven in the morning. My alarm’s about to go off. There’s not much point in trying to get back to sleep.

I climb out of bed, silencing my alarm before it barks into life. I didn’t want to dream about him. I didn’t want to dream about anything. I tried to stay up all night, so my jetlag isn’t too bad today. I got back at two in the morning Italian time, but it was only seven in the evening here. By the time I got home from the airport, I was exhausted, though not too tired to continually think about what happened during the flight.

Two things happened that I doubt will ever leave my mind. One, the event in the bathroom that I could pretend didn’t happen if not for the ache in my pussy that remained long after the plane landed. Why did I let that happen? Was I trapped in there? Did I have a choice? Did he force me to do it?

During the bus ride back into the city, I decided that I would never tell anyone what happened. A one-night stand. Joining the mile-high club. Having a stranger fuck me. Not just that, but enjoying every single minute of it. What does it say about me that I loved it?

I can’t think about it anymore. It would overwhelm me, the same as the feelings during the act. His strong hands holding me, the vibe on my clit, reaching orgasm because of him. Oswald never made me come, not once. Hunter managed it in minutes.

A private event that no one ever needs to know about. That’s what it was. A dream to return to only when my defenses are down and I’m fast asleep.

I can’t think about him in a positive light because of the other event that took place on the flight.

He thought I was asleep. He is less intelligent than he thinks he is. I was drifting but still awake when I heard his phone call.

He mentioned violence. He mentioned Oswald. He said leg breaking. Talked matter-of-fact, like he was discussing the weather. That’s when it all clicked. The deference shown to him in Rome. The Milsub he wore on his wrist, the cut of his suit. The wad of banknotes. He’s a criminal. Probably in the mob. Whatever organized racket he’s with, it’s not something I want anything to do with.

Just like Oswald, he can turn the charm on and off, and turn the violence on and off just as fast. Charming at first, sure, but soon showing his true colors. Look at what he did to Oswald in the hotel. Not to mention his lack of scruples in taking a job that consists entirely of firing people and asset stripping.

Never asked my opinion about breakfast, just ordered it for me. Didn’t let me leave the bathroom on the plane. Sure, I was drawn to him at the time, but that’s me all over. Always wanting the wrong guy, falling for the bullshit. Look at my parents. That dynamic got mom killed. Falling for an asshole. I did once. I’m not doing it again. I’m not falling for that routine again. I’ll end up dead, same as mom.

So I got out of there as fast as I could when we landed. I might be dumb enough to sleep with a stranger on an airplane, but I’m not dumb enough to hang around a criminal to let him get his claws into me.

I got home and did my best to stay awake, but at some point, I ended up in bed, wiped out by the time difference and everything else. Had to go and dream of him, didn’t I?

Do I want him to hurt Oswald?

Doesn’t matter. Never seeing him again. He’ll fade from my memory sooner or later. I need to focus on how I’m going to keep my job. I got a lot of messages overnight. We’re being taken over. Half the businesses in the building are out. Are we next? Everyone’s worried about keeping their jobs.

I take a shower, my mind once again going back to the flight. The way he caught me coming out of the bathroom. He knew I’d just come. It was like he could read my mind. No matter how much I tried not to answer his questions, something about him got me talking. I told him the truth. Where did that get me? Where did honesty ever get anyone? We had sex, and it was unprotected. I’m an idiot.

I was trapped in the bathroom with him, and the worst part was I didn’t mind. I knew I should have tried to escape, but I wasn’t getting out of there until we did what he wanted to do. I should hate him for it. Part of me does. Most of me is glad. An experience, that’s what Ursula would call it. A vacation experience.

I do my best to stop reliving it, but it’s not easy. He invades my mind as I dress. The dream still lingers in my head. The tiny skirt he chose for me, no panties because he wouldn’t let me wear them. A spanking in his office for misbehaving in some way. All of it adds up to get me hot and flustered before I go to work.

I might take my bullet vibrator any other day and deal with the frustration, but not today. I’ve got to get there early. Got to give the dress to Melanie, not that it seems to matter now. The whole business is crumbling.

I climb out of the shower, a wave of nausea hitting me. Shouldn’t have drunk when I got in. Shouldn’t have slept. I’m paying the price now.

I get dressed slowly, my head throbbing.

Ursula’s in the kitchen when I go through. “Morning,” she says, sliding a mug of coffee across to me. “Thought you were supposed to be staying up all night.”

“I tried.”

“Told you you should have stayed out of bed.”

“Well, I’m up now, aren’t I?”

“Wait until you crash at noon and snore in Melanie’s face. That’ll be the fun part.”