“You better not have laid a finger on my sister’s head, or I'll—”

“You’ll what? Suck my cock until I tell you where she is?” His dark laughter echoes around the room as he motions toward the front door with his gun. “Get moving, bitch. We don’t have time for any of this.”

“Time for what?” I croak, raising my hands up in surrender, inching my way toward the door.

“Time to waste with pleasantries. I need to get you out of here before the Genoveses realize you’re missing.”

“Where are you taking me? You said time was running out, and they wanted results, but that was over a year ago. What the fuck is going on?”

I don’t know what’s going on, but something isn’t sitting right. I know Mr. Black works for the men who took my sister, but something happened. But what? Did he double-cross them, wanting the information I supposedly have on the Genoveses for himself? I’m sure these aren’t the only people wanting to bring down the family. People will pay top dollar for the information I’m supposed to possess. Too bad for them. I don’t have what they’re looking for.

“That was before I blew up your apartment,” he says nonchalantly, and I freeze in place.

“You blew up my apartment?” My eyebrows pull down in thought, trying to make sense of this new piece of information. “Is that the reason they wouldn’t let me leave?”

I had no idea my apartment blew up. No one ever told me, and that was some important information I’d need to make an informed decision. Salvatore was just preaching the importance of being honest with each other, and he’s been lying to me this whole time. I shake my head, not wanting to let Mr. Black get into my head a second time. Last night was a new beginning, a fresh start for our lives together. The apartment thing is in the past. I need to make sure I get through this to have a chance at any type of future together with my boys.

When they forced me to stay with them, I assumed it was nothing more than another way for the person behind the voice to force me closer to the Genovese Family, making it easier for me to get the information they need quickly, but now I don’t know. If Mr. Black had my apartment blown up, was he following orders, or was it something more?

“You were my payment. A nice young virgin to do with as I please.” His eyes rake down my body before he takes a step closer, gripping my arm tightly in his hand and tugging me toward the door. “But now you’re nothing but a dirty whore.”

“I’m not a whore… not to them,” I breathe. “I didn’t expect to… fall in love with them. It all happened so fast.”

“Love? Those men don’t love you, sweetheart. You’re nothing more than a warm pussy to sink their cocks into.”

I hesitate for a moment, wondering if what he said was true. These men know nothing about me, and I’ve been lying to them since the moment we met. How can this be anything but a quick fling, a way to sate their baser needs? Could they love me as much as I care for them?

“Get moving.” Mr. Black stabs me in the back with his gun, shoving me forward, but I dig in my heels.

I refuse to move another inch until I have answers. No one has heard a peep from the kidnappers since they called my phone almost eighteen months ago, but what does any of that mean? And what has happened to my sister? The voice promised that if I didn’t get them the information they needed, she was dead, but why wouldn’t they remain in contact to ensure I followed through? The threat was more than enough, but why disappear unless something happened?

“You don’t know where my sister is, do you?” I sneer, moisture blurring my vision.

“Of course not. I haven’t heard a peep from those bastards since I blew up your apartment.” He sneers. “For all I know, she’s lying in a ditch somewhere.”

My heart pounds in my chest so loudly that I can hear it in my ears. I don’t know what to do or what’s happening, but I need to find out what he knows about my sister. But I need to remain calm. I’m no use to anyone if I panic. I need to keep him talking. Any minute now, Salvatore and Antonio will wake up and notice I’m missing. They always said they’d do everything in their power to protect me. It’s time to put that promise to the test.

“You’re never going to get away with this. They’ll come looking for me…”

I know that as soon as I walk out of that door, everything will be over. I will never see Salvatore, Antonio, or Matteo again. My mind races, trying to find a way to get out of this situation, but I come up short.

“No one is going to come looking for you, princess. The moment we walk out of the club, Salvatore will receive his own personal Dear John letter, letting him know that you’re done playing house with the three of them and are taking the information you’ve found to the men holding your sister.” Spit flies in my face as he enunciates every word, and a sinister smile crosses his face.

“There’s no way any of them would believe—”

“You’re pussy isn’t that good, sweetheart. The last thing they’ll worry about is if what they’re reading is, too. Salvatore seems more like an ask questions later type of guy.”

Mr. Black has no idea that Salvatore is the exact opposite of the man he’s describing. He calculates every move he makes, looking at it from all angles before acting. He’ll definitely be livid when he reads that email, but he won’t let me go that easily. He’ll search to the ends of the earth for me. Wanting to make sure that I pay for my betrayal.

“Get moving,” he snarls, motioning forward with his gun, but I glimpse something moving out of the corner of my eye. Or better yet,someone.

Matteo raises his finger to his lips, signaling for me to keep quiet as he sneaks up behind Mr. Black and inches his way closer to us.

“Please,” I beg, my eyes locked on Matteo. “I never meant for any of this to happen.”

I should beg for my life, but I’m pleading with one man who holds my heart for understanding. I need for him, for all three of them, to understand I didn’t have any other choice. I needed to get close to them to save my sister’s life, but I fell in love with them along the way.

“I never meant to fall in love with… it all happened so fast.” Tears stream down my face as I take a step backward toward the stairs, not daring to take my eyes off him and the gun pointed in my direction.