“Punishments are not supposed to tickle.”

My hand runs over her cheeks before my fingers dip into her folds. I pump my finger in and out, and each time, her pussy grips my fingers tighter, signaling her need for release as I pull my fingers free and pinch her clit tightly. Celia’s head lifts off the table as she screams, her entire body trembling as I rub small circles on her clit, bringing her down from the clouds.

“Am I a good girl now?” Her eyes droop shut as I brush a silky strand of her blonde hair off her shoulder. Her entire body sags against the couch as I grip her hair in my hands a second time, wrapping it around my fist and pulling her head back.

“No sleep. I’m far from finished with you.” My other hand wraps tightly around her neck, cutting off her airflow before thrusting my hips forward and impaling her on my cock.

Using her body for leverage, I pound into her recklessly, letting all my frustration out in each movement, using my body to make sure she understands everything I don’t know how to put into words. My balls tighten as my release approaches. “Cum for me,” I growl, tightening my hold on her neck.

I should loosen up and allow her to breathe, but I can’t yet. I want her to feel the desperation, the need to breathe, but not because someone is holding her hostage. I want her to feel how I do each time I have to be away from her. I fear the unknown, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“Never again, Celia.” I release her throat slightly, and she gasps for air, her body sagging ever further into the couch. “Don’t hide things from us ever again.”

“Never again,” she screeches as her juices pour down my cock. I pump into her a few more times before letting myself go, my vision blackening for a few moments before I come to.

Celia slides off the couch and crumbles to the floor, completely spent and covered in cum, but she’s never been more beautiful. Once I regain my bearings, I pull her tightly to my side and take a seat on the couch, pulling the throw blanket resting on the back of it over us.



Ibolt straight up, the remnants of my nightmare still circling in my mind. It takes a few moments for me to realize I’m safely tucked in Salvatore’s arms, with all three of my men standing between me and the men who took my sister.

I’m safe until the next time.

“My boys will protect me,” I whisper into the dark room, knowing the statement to be true.

My boys. I’ve been fighting my feelings for these three powerful men, trying to convince myself that this is nothing but a job. That the way they made me feel with each caress of the skin was nothing more than my imagination. When the three of them called me their own last night, I knew I had to tell them everything. Salvatore knew I was snooping around for information still and did nothing, showing me a level of trust beyond anything I could’ve imagined. I could easily have picked up the phone and gotten ahold of the voice or Mr. Black, putting an end to all of this, but I didn’t. I didn’t because there’s no way I can betray these men.

Now that there are no more secrets between us, I should be one step closer to finding out where my sister was and getting my life back. I’ve spent time with each one of these men, getting to know them, and my feelings have grown deeper with each passing day. Now I know, deep in my heart, that I can’t do this anymore. I need to stop hiding the truth from them, hoping to find some way to keep them and get my sister back in one piece.

Turning my head to the right, I notice Salvatore lying peacefully beside me. Antonio and Matteo are both lying in the bed across the room. The blankets are draped across each of their waists, and the glow of the spotlights over the bed shines down on them, giving them an ethereal quality.

Unable to resist, I run the tips of my fingers down the planes of Salvatore’s chest, taking my time to trace each of his ab muscles as they flex beneath my fingers. He groans loudly, throwing his muscular arm over my waist and pulling me tighter into his chest. His arms tighten around me as he snuggles into my back, and my body instantly relaxes into his protective embrace, sending up a silent prayer that, when I tell my story, they’ll understand.

A lone tear slips down my cheek as my heart breaks. The three of us have spent time getting to know each other. I’ve learned some of their secrets, but not all. They remain cautious around me, as they should be. I was sent here to bring the empire the Genoveses had built tumbling to the ground, but somewhere along the line, things changed. Now, I long for them to let down that one final wall, letting me into their hearts. But that may all be ending. I haven’t heard a peep from the men keeping my sister, but they gave me a deadline. However, we have no indication of when they’re planning on coming to collect. It could be a week from now or even longer, but at some point, they’re going to want their information.

My stomach growls loudly, reminding me we never had dinner last night. “Maybe I can scrounge something up for us to eat before round two.”

I giggle softly before wiggling my way out of Salvatore's arms and grabbing my panties off the floor and slipping them on. A chill runs down my spine as the cool air of the room hits my skin. “I’m going to need some more clothes before I go downstairs,” I mumble to myself before grabbing Antonio’s shirt off the floor and getting dressed.

The club is unbelievably quiet when no one is around, making it much easier for me to slip out of room twenty-three and pad down the hallway, bright lights illuminating it, leading the way toward the stairs.

With each step away from that room, my heart races; that old feeling of being watched settles on my shoulders. I should turn around and run back to the room, tucking myself between my three men and begging them to fuck me blind again, but I can’t.

“I thought you’d never come out of that room.” I freeze. The sound of Mr. Black’s voice sends a shiver down my spine. “You whore yourself out to the Genovese brothers, and they’ll save you from the big, bad men holding your sister.”

“It’s not like that…”

“It’s exactly like that. You think I’m stupid, you little bitch,” he snarls.

Mr. Black steps out from behind a pillar in the lounge, directly in front of me, a gun pointed at the center of my chest.

“I’m not surprised you resorted to whoring yourself out.”

I briefly consider turning around and bolting up the stairs and back toward the room, but I know I’ll never make it. My eyes scan the room, searching for someone to help me, but the place is deserted. Searing pain flows through my entire body as waves of agony pull me under. I’m just praying that I can hold on long enough for my men to find me. I reach down, grasping at the numbness to cut me off from all these feelings that I’m so desperate to forget. I’ve trapped myself in this web of lies, and it’s time to pay the price.

“You don’t want anything to happen to your sister, do you?”