“Do you think this conversation would’ve gone any better than when you asked them if you could go back to work?” She scoffs, leaning forward and snatching a piece of bruschetta off the tray in front of her.

“I’m at least serving actual food this time, not just me on a silver platter,” I quip, my cheeks heating as memories of that night filter through my mind.

“Your men sure are distracted whenever they see you.”

My men.A phrase everyone has been using more frequently the more time we spend together.

“All that overthinking is making smoke come out of your ears. They’re mafia men. It’s not like they have a set schedule. Something or someone came up. They’ll be here because the last thing they want to do is upset you.”

“I know, but they haven’t called.” I rock from side to side as I turn to look out the window again. “They always call.”

“CeCe, don’t make me shake you!” Lyra pushes to her feet and storms toward me, placing both hands on my shoulders. “They’re coming.”

“How can you be so sure?” I cock my head to the side as my only friend’s cheeks darken. “What do you know?”

Lyra smiles brightly. “I know that they have something planned. Involving you. They won’t be late.”

I cock my eyebrow at my friend, trying to make sense of what she’s saying. What could these three possibly have planned? The four of us have spent practically every waking hour together, getting to know more about each other. They’ve shared all of themselves with me, but I’m still holding back. I want to tell them, but what happens when the other shoe drops? My heart aches at the idea that I may have to follow through with the voice's plan and give up everything I’ve been able to gather on the Genoveses’ business dealings. Snooping becomes a lot easier when you’re locked away in their homes for days.

I know names of contacts, drop-off locations, what businesses they used to funnel their money, and anything that ever seemed remotely important to their business dealings. I haven’t gotten caught, but I’m also not delusional enough to believe they don’t know I’m snooping. They’re just letting me be, biding their time until they punish me.

“Don’t think too hard.” Lyra giggles, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. “They’ll be here.”

“We’ll be where?” Matteo comes striding into the dining room, planting a kiss on the top of my head.

“And that’s my cue.” Lyra wraps her arms around me. “Everything is going to be fine. Just stick to the plan,” she whispers in my ear before flashing Matteo a bright smile and heading toward the front door.

Right. The plan. I made dinner for the guys myself instead of ordering something from the million and one restaurants nearby. Apparently, they used to have a phenomenal cook, but when I came along, she was let go for my safety. Anyone who doesn’t have to be here isn’t. Plain and simple. My boys will do anything to protect me, even if it means eating takeout three times a day for almost a year. If it wasn’t for the workout they give me in the bedroom nightly, I’d barely fit through the door.

“What’s all this?” Matteo smiles, grabbing a cracker from the small platter and dipping it into the eggplant spread.

“I thought we’d have a home-cooked meal for once. But it didn’t turn out as well as I’d hoped.”

I shake my head as memories filter in of the smoke filling the kitchen a few hours ago. Thank goodness for Lyra popping in for a surprise visit or they’d have come home to pizza, beer, and my favorite movie. With her help, we scrapped together a good variety of Italian appetizers and made a charcuterie board of various kinds of cheese and fruits.

“You can’t cook,” Matteo deadpans, his eyes twinkling with mischief as I smack him on the arm.

“I know, but I wanted to try. For you guys,” I whisper.

My eyes roam down his body, taking in the tight white shirt hugging all his muscles, tucked into a pair of dark-washed jeans. Suddenly, I’d rather head into the bedroom instead of the living room. “Where are Salvatore and Antonio?”

“They had a few more things to take care of and sent me ahead. We promised, after all.” He chuckles before wrapping his arms around me and lifting me into the air. “I’ve missed you.”

He buries his nose in my hair, inhaling deeply as if he’s committing my scent to memory. I slide my arms around his neck, hugging him back tightly. My entire body relaxes as if I’ve been waiting for this moment.

“I’ve missed you, too.” I pull back slightly and smile at him. “I hate spending all day here alone.”

Matteo runs his hands through his hair before taking a seat on the couch, propping his feet up on the coffee table in front of it. His eyes soften with something before it quickly disappears. “You know—”

“I know,” I cut him off, not wanting to hear the same old story again for the millionth time. “But maybe we could go out together. Just once.”

“Celia.” His voice drops low, warning me not to push any further, but I’m going insane.

I need to get out of these four walls for a little while, even if it’s only for a drive in the limo around town. A change of scenery, something different, anything to break up the monotony of the daily grind.

“It doesn’t have to be long or anywhere in particular.” Pushing slightly on his chest, Matteo stumbles backward, and I press my body against his. I can feel his cock hardening beneath me as I lean forward, pulling his ear lobe between my lips. “We could go alone. Just the two of us.”

“What are you doing,Piccolo passero?”