“Okay,” she said, steeling herself. A warm feeling settled directly in the center of her chest. “That means I’ll pick my bachelor.”

“You’ll have to dismiss the others. Explain to them why we’re cutting things short. They’ll understand. I’ll talk to the financial board about coming up with compensation for the remaining contestants since things haven’t panned out as promised.”

It was too bad he couldn’t do that so Snow could pickhim. Selecting Hunter wasn’t an option. She had to let it go. “Okay, then. I’ll pick my winner. We’ll force the attacker’s hand.”

Hunter peered at her and lifted the corner of his lips sympathetically. “And all of this will come to a swift, and hopefully safe, end,” he said.


The next morning, Eloise stepped into the studio, and Hunter’s heart raced. He wasn’t usually this jumpy when speaking to her about participants he was under contract to protect. But then, he’d never had a personal interest in any of the other participants before.

“Hunter,” she said. “How long have you been here?” She lifted her chin and stared at him with an unreadable expression. He wasn’t sure what he was hoping for—evidence of some kind to verify her being at Tys’s house?

“I only arrived a few minutes before you. I was hoping to speak with you in private.”

She tucked her clipboard to her side. “Oh? Is something wrong?”

“I’m not sure yet. I’d like your thoughts on something.”

She visibly relaxed and continued the way to her office. “Okay then. We have a few minutes before the studio starts to wake up. What’s on your mind?”

“Yesterday, Luis talked to me. He found evidence that one of the previous bachelors had something to do with the attack on Snow.”

Eloise’s hand stilled before reaching the knob to her door. “Oh? Which participant?”

“He said he saw Tys in the hotel feed. At least, he thinks it was Tys.”

“Why would Tys attack Snow?” Eloise said.

“That’s what I wondered. So I went to his house last night.”

“You did.”

He waited to see if she would respond. If she would confess any of her reasons for being there as well. Beats pounded like drums, adding to the percussive cadence taking place in his chest.

“Then—what time were you there?”

“It was after hours. Snow wanted some ice cream, so I took her for a drive and decided to stop by the address on Tys’s file. I saw you there, Eloise.”

She sighed and lowered her head and shoulders in defeat. Her nostrils flared. He watched her for signs of—what? Guilt? Confession?

“Care to tell me what you were doing at one of the previous bachelors’ homes so late?”

“He’s dating my daughter,” Eloise finally said.

Hunter’s brows shot up. He didn’t know Eloise well—he hadn’t known she had a daughter. “He’s only been off the show for a few weeks—did they just start dating? Did your daughter send you there or something?”

There was every chance she could deflect and choose not to answer him, but doing so would only make her appear more suspicious. Perhaps she knew as much because she went on.

“Yes. Hannah left something there, and when I went to get it, Tys and I got to talking about how the show was going. I didn’t mean to stay so long, but he’s a personable guy, you know?”

Hunter wasn’t sure if he believed her or not.

“And did he say whether he was there the day Snow was attacked?”

“I didn’t ask,” she said with a laugh. “Tys is a little bit of a flake, but he wouldn’t hurt anyone. Is that all?”

Hunter’s teeth clamped together. He wanted to demand more, but what else could he do? “There’s something else,” he said. “You might want to sit down while we discuss it.”