She couldn’t believe this. Before she could decide if she wanted to argue or head for the car, the entrance to the dojo opened and Hunter peeked his head out. “You two coming in?”

She could practically hear Eric’s teeth grind. “Nothing like dating with a babysitter,” he grumbled.

“We’re dating with an audience,” Snow said incredulously. She gestured to the camera, which hadn’t missed a beat of their exchange and had probably caught Eric’s request to ditch Hunter. No doubt, the audience would likely eat up Eric’s petulant behavior. “Come on. Let’s go have a good time, all right?”

Eric frowned, acting surly. Other patrons eyed their party as they followed the instructor past a collection of mats to a sequestered back room. A group of kids gathered in one section, grunting and making sharp movements with each sound.

The instructor approached. He was a tall man with a shaved head, and his appearance was made that much more formidable by the black garb he wore and the black belt tied at his waist.

“Just the three of you?” the instructor asked.

“Two,” Eric said.

Hunter didn’t respond but situated himself near the door and by some mats attached to the wall.

Eric and Snow took turns facing off with the instructor and with one another as he taught them kicks, chokeholds, strikes, and how to use their elbows and knees more than their fists when confronted by an unexpected attacker. When Snow mentioned the fact that she’d been attacked by not one, but two attackers, the instructor gestured toward Hunter. “We need another body,” he called. “You, by the wall. Will you join us?”

Willingly, Hunter moved in.

Snow barely heard Eric mumble under his breath before he swaggered in Hunter’s direction, meeting the bodyguard several feet before he made it to where they’d been standing.

“I’ll show you how,” Eric said, shoving Hunter hard in the chest.


Eric couldn’t seriously be doing this.

Snow hurried toward them. “Stop it,” she said adamantly as Hunter staggered back, regained his footing, and glared at the other man.

Hunter recovered quickly, pumping his fists at his sides. “He’s full of hot air,” he said. Though she sensed the words were for her, his glare was pegged at Eric.

Eric angled his head and snarled, lunging toward Hunter.

“Stop!” Snow intervened, placing herself between the two men and holding out her hands as if blocking traffic. If she didn’t know any better, she would have bet her blood was sparking out the tips of her fingers; she was so agitated. Eric’s shoulders rose and fell, and malice smeared across his expression. Hunter stood poised and at the ready, but didn’t act as frantic as Eric did.

The instructor folded his arms and splayed his feet as though deciding to let the two settle their differences rather than keeping them from fighting. So not helpful.

As if encouraged by this fact, Eric sniffed. “I’ll take you on any day,” he said to Hunter, talking to him as if Snow wasn’t standing right there.

Hunter blinked lazily, lifting his chin and stealing a look at Snow before peering past her at his attacker. “I’m sure you would,” Hunter said.

Again, Snow suspected this was said more for her benefit than Eric’s. He wasn’t complimenting Eric’s abilities but rather making a stab at his confrontational manner.

“Not going to fight?” Eric said, lifting his fists. He did a little head flip before lowering his hands once more, though he stuck out his chest as though he were breathing hard. “That’s okay; Snow knows a real man when she sees one.”

Snow lowered her hands. This was getting ridiculous. She was inclined to do as the instructor had. To leave Eric to Hunter’s mercy and see how cocky he was by the end of his beating. Not only was Hunter thicker than Eric, he had nothing to prove. He wouldn’t let pride muddle his thinking as it had done to Eric.

As it was, she inhaled and retreated. Fortunately, neither of them moved toward the other again.

“You’re unbelievable,” Snow said, giving Eric her most withering glare. She hoped he could read just how disgusted she was by him.

Hunter rested a hand on his hip. Of all things, his lips tricked into the slightest hint of a smile as if he found Eric’s antics amusing. He jutted his chin in Snow’s direction. “Do you see that? It’s not working.”

“What’s not working?” Eric said.

“Whatever you’re trying to do to distract me, intimidate me, to make yourself look better.” Hunter tossed a hand in Snow’s direction. “She doesn’t buy it.”

Eric charged then. Before he could so much as try anything, Hunter grappled his arms and threw him to the mat. He landed hard on his back with a cough and lay there as if stunned, staring upward at the ceiling.