* * *

Eric was waitingfor Snow near the fountain in the resort’s lobby. He wore workout clothes and a handsome smile, but the expression fell as he saw Hunter approaching with her.

“You look amazing,” he said, referring to her fitted workout clothes in shades of teal and silver. Then his gaze trailed to Hunter standing where they’d been at the fountain. “You look unnecessary.”

Hunter quirked a brow and folded his impressive arms. Challenge flickered in his brown eyes.

“He’s my bodyguard,” Snow said. “He goes where I go, remember?”

“I’m capable enough to keep you safe. I thought maybe we could make an exception today.”

“No one doubts your capabilities,” she said.

“I’ll take down anyone who dares to come near you,” Eric said with bravado and straight shoulders. He rested a hand on his hip.

“It’s part of the agreement.” Hunter edged closer. “I go where Snow goes until we learn who’s threatening her.”

Eric’s nostrils flared. He looked as though he might argue. Several moments pounded by until he gave a little nod and slid a hand to Snow’s waist. He shot a scowl at Hunter in a show of possession.

Whoa. Where did that come from? Snow stiffened and shifted out of his grasp. Without looking at either man, she headed for the door to get some distance from Eric more than anything else.

Why was he acting like such a caveman?

The air smelled like sunshine and sea spray and surfboard wax. A familiar car was parked in the circular lane beneath the awning out front. Before she reached the vehicle, Eric dashed forward and opened the car’s back door. Eric gestured for Snow to slide in first when Hunter poked his head inside.

“Hey,” Eric said, affronted.

Snow’s brows lifted. Ego battles much?

“It’s protocol,” Hunter said, climbing in.

“He’s just making sure there’s nothing suspicious,” Snow explained. Hunter had told her as much earlier. “And he gets in first, so the driver doesn’t take off with me before anyone else has time to get in.”

Eric had the decency to act ashamed. He lowered his head. “Right,” he said. “Sorry.”

Snow climbed in after Hunter, and then Eric followed, sliding onto the seat and wedging herself in between the two men. The driver called back to ask if they were situated and ready. “We are,” Snow said, and the driver started to creep through the parking lot and out to the street.

She wasn’t sure where to put her hands. Eric had one clenched on his knee, the other fisted to prop up his head as he faced the window. She snuck a glance at Hunter, who was watching her with bemused eyes.

Snow attempted to think of something to say. “I slept surprisingly well last night.”

“That’s great.” Eric’s fist loosened. He shifted to glance at her and granted her a smile.

She chewed her lip and nodded.

“You didn’t need to be there the other night, either,” Eric said, talking across her. “You know, with our sleepover. Not with the rest of us looking after Snow.”

“Snow’s safety is my main concern,” Hunter said, unfazed. “I wasn’t there to impose. I’m not here to impose now. I’m not a contestant.”

“You might as well be. You’ve spent more time with Snow than any of the rest of us.” His petulant tone made Snow suspect he’d already discussed his dislike of Hunter with one or more of the other bachelors. Did they all feel this way? The others hadn’t said anything when they’d heard Hunter would be coming along on their dates. In fact, they’d encouraged her to dance with him.

She supposed she could understand Eric’s jealousy. On those other dates, Hunter had ridden up with the driver rather than in the back beside her. Then again, she hadn’t been attacked at the time. Was he jealous of Hunter’s dance with her? He’d been the only one who hadn’t seemed in favor of it.

“He’s just trying to help,” Snow said. “It’s his job.”

She did her best not to glance at Hunter, though she wanted to. Eric was being so domineering, as though he owned her for the evening. “It’s no different from Hector and the camera crew.”

Granted, they were in a different vehicle. Sometimes the camera was with them in the car, sometimes it wasn’t. She was glad it wasn’t this time—this petty argument would have made an exciting addition to the episode.