Whose room was this? Who had done this to them—and why had they done it?

Her head throbbed. She rotated to check Kassie’s progress.

“Finding anything?”

“Nothing so far.” Kassie dug through the drawer of a desk near the door.

“Kassie,” Snow began. “Your dad is a friend of mine. I’m sure he’s doing everything he can to find us but—” How could she continue. “But we need to also do everything we can to get out on our own too. Do you understand?”

Kassie didn’t seem to be scared, and Snow didn’t want to freak the little girl out, but she also needed to press on her that this was no casual situation.

What might have happened if Snow had agreed to let him cancel the show instead? Would that have been the best choice? Perhaps someone had a personal vendetta against Hunter himself. Perhaps that was why both she and Kassie had been taken—because whoever it was found out how Hunter felt about Snow.

She supposed it was too late now.

Kassie paused and peered back at her. She had beautiful, warm eyes that were starting to show the alarm she should have been feeling. “Do you think we’re in trouble here?”

Snow stood, feeling off balance with her hands tied behind her back. She kicked off her heels, stepped over a few discarded items on the dated carpet, and strode to Kassie’s side.

“I don’t want you to be scared, but yes, I do.” The girl needed to know. “How much do you know of why your dad became my bodyguard?”

“He said you were in danger. Someone attacked you and he needed to keep you safe.” Her eyes widened. She backed up. “Oh my gosh, Snow. Is that why we’re here? Someone wants to hurt you?”

Snow swallowed. “I don’t know why we’re here, but I don’t want to find out. Have you tried the doorknob?”

The girl shook her head and meandered to it. She attempted to turn it a few times to no avail. Her face pinched. “We’re locked in.”

Snow took in a breath. She had to remain calm. For Kassie’s sake. “Have you been anywhere else in this house since you got here? The bathroom, maybe?”

“I could say I need to go,” she said, her face lighting up. “Then when they open the door we can push our way out.”

“That could work,” Snow said. “Although I’d be more help if my hands were free. You don’t see anything sharp in there?” She jutted her chin toward the open drawer.

“Nothing,” Kassie said. “Let me check again.”

Snow wandered to another set of drawers. “Try in here.” Kassie did so.

Her thoughts raced to Hunter. Did he know she was gone? What was he going to do? What about Clayton, Marcos, and Carter? Were they okay? All seven of the men were slated to be coming back for the show’s finale.

Oh goodness. Would whoever this was attack the bachelors while they were on the show? If that was the case, why would they get Snow out of the way first?

Who had done this? What did they intend to do with her and Kassie?

Snow was only twenty-four. She still had so much to live for. So much to accomplish. She had dreams of acting, of performing and of connecting with audiences. And what of Kassie? Hunter had said she was what, eight years old? She had her whole life ahead of her.

Hunter had mentioned his suspicions that Tys or Preston was behind the warnings and attacks, but Snow couldn’t see how that was possible. But was it? If Eloise was in on it too, perhaps she’d conspired with one of them somehow and gotten them to help with the threats.

She stopped in her tracks at the thought. “Tys,” Snow said on a breath. She glanced around the room again. This had to be the house Hunter had taken her to that night.

Urgency filled her all over again. “Keep looking, Kassie,” Snow said.

“I’m trying.” She dug through more drawers and then finally pulled something free. “Aha! It’s not scissors, but maybe it will work?” It was a retractable razor blade. Kassie pushed the little knob on the side and a small blade slid out of the end.

Snow’s heart surged. “Try it.” She turned.

Kassie’s skin brushed hers. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t. Just saw the blade against the zip ties as best as you can.”