He rubbed his jaw. “The only thing I don’t like about this, Snow, is that we can’t do anything about it.”

Her pulse strung tight. “You—you’re saying you want to?”

“Why do you think I’m fighting myself so hard right now?”

Was he fighting himself? “I—I didn’t know you were.”

“I made you a promise, Snow. I’m going to protect you however I can. Keeping you from me is probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

Snow thrilled at the words. He was falling for her too. There was something about finding out the person you were into reciprocated that fact. Her entire body whirred.

“Maybe we should keep our feelings to ourselves,” she said, growing more excited by the moment. “But I’ve never been good at that. If I like you, you’ll know it.”

“And you like me.”

“I do. I can’t help it.”

Hunter sank in his seat. The action made his long leg nudge the side of the console. “I shouldn’t be saying this. I know you’re not under contract toonlydate your bachelors, but staying out of things is the right thing to do.”

“In my mind, you’ve technically become a contestant,” she said. It was true—he was there just as much, if not more, than any of the other bachelors. She’d said as much during her interview. “I wonder if there’s a way to bend the rules.”

“Eloise would flip her lid if you did anything else to shake things up right now. She wasn’t too happy when you took matters into your own hands and announced the threats.”

“I know, but—” Movement caught Snow’s eye. A car crawled its way down the street toward where they were parked. Instead of passing, it turned and pulled into the driveway of number 163. Snow hovered in a bubble of suspense as the back lights cut. The driver’s door opened. And of all people, Eloise herself stepped out.

Speak of the devil.

“What the heck?” Snow said, peering low for a better look. She couldn’t be sure—the moonlight glimmered across the woman’s features. It was enough to highlight the pointed chin and narrow cheekbones, the slim, petite figure in familiar navy pants and striped blouse. If none of these details existed, however, the clipboard hugged to her waist would have been a dead giveaway.

She waited for Eloise to stop. To peer at the cars parked on the street and recognize Hunter’s sleek Beemer, but she was too preoccupied with the house to pay much attention.

“What is she doing here?” Hunter said, posing the question rampaging in Snow’s mind.

“I take it this wasn’t what you expected?”

“During the last episode, each of your bachelors will return for a final farewell on the show, so she’s keeping in contact with them. But even if she were checking in on Tys, I don’t see the need to stop by in person.”

“Maybe he asked her to?” Snow suggested.

“But why?” Hunter let the question fade as Eloise stepped to the door and knocked. As though this were anyone else’s house. She had to know where she was, though. It was too late for a casual visit.

Snow tapped a few fingers to her lips. “Did she get the same tipoff you did?” she suggested. “That Tys was the suspected attacker?”

“Maybe,” Hunter said. “I thought I was the only one the cameraman told, but there’s a chance Luis could have said something to Eloise too.”

“Maybe she’s here doing the same thing we are.” In a less tactful way. Maybe Eloise’s more direct approach would get the answers Hunter hoped to glean from this. In that case, should they go out as well? What would Eloise do if the two of them showed up on the doorstep?

Hunter frowned. “If you’re all right with it, Snow, I’d like to stay here until she leaves.”

“If you’re sure we can handle it,” she said, smirking at him and folding her arms over her chest. Her blood was still heated from their discussion. This was complete torment, knowing she and Hunter were into each other and being unable to do anything about it.

Hunter chuckled and settled into his seat. “I should have gotten more ice cream. To cool things off in here.”

“Want the rest of my popsicle?” Snow offered him the remnants of her frozen yogurt on its stick.

He eyed her hand only moments before flicking a bemused gaze to her. “Thanks, but you finish it off.” So she did. Snow ate and sat in silence beside Hunter, wondering what was going on inside Tys’s house. What would happen if she approached? If she knocked on the door and pretended she hadn’t known Eloise was there or something?

Her thoughts had time to wander, to meander past I Want to Kiss Hunter Lane and What Was She Going to Do Avenue before settling in on what Hunter had told her about his past. His marriage, Kassie, Kassie’s mom. He seemed to be okay with the way things had ended. Hunter had called her strong, but so was he—and not just physically. To take on the responsibility of raising a daughter all on his own? Putting his own life in danger in order to help others in need?