“And you said he didn’t tell the police? Why not?”

“He was scared. A lot of people are, especially with things so up in the air. I’ve had two people quit on me in the last week, Snow. This threatener isn’t telling the station what they’ll do. So far, they seem like they’re after you personally, but what if this person is out to take the station down and anyone involved with the show along with it? I can’t be there to protect everyone.”

Snow pitied his plight. She could tell how much his employees meant to him, and she respected the heck out of him for it.

“So he said he thinks it was Tys?”

“Yes. I saw the footage too, but I couldn’t quite tell it was him. I think if we go tonight and see what’s going on at his residence, then we can have more than circumstantial evidence to report to the police depending on what we find.”

Fair enough. But why was he inviting her to come with him? Unless it was just that he wanted to investigate and didn’t want to leave her behind.

“What’s that look for?” Hunter asked.

Snow stared at the patterns on the wallpaper. “I have a hard time believing it was Tys. The first letter I got was before the show even started. Tys was a contestant—why would he threaten me before I even voted him off?”

“The cameraman said he saw Tys on the premises, and he had no business being around the hotel. I mean, there was no reason for him to be there, not after he was voted off.”

“He acted so strangely on that first show. Did you screen all of the bachelors?”

“We did,” Hunter said. “We interviewed them, and he didn’t act any differently than a normal person would. I’m not sure what came over him the night he met you. That’s pretty sus—and having him back on the premises right before you got attacked too makes me want to see what’s going on. You may not know this, but Tys lives in this area.”

“So tonight you want to go to his house?”

“Yes,” Hunter said.

“And do what?”

“Watch him for a while. See what his patterns are. See if he leaves his house. See if he does anything else to call him into question. I’d like you to come with me.”

“What about Juliet? What do I tell her?”

“We’ll get ice cream first.”

“Ice cream?” Snow raised a single brow.

“I got a craving,” he said, his face remaining indifferent. She suspected he presented the idea so if anyone came by or got nosy, Juliet could give the story he wanted being passed around.

Snow couldn’t help sniggering. “You got a craving for a late-night ice cream run—”

“And I had to take you with me because I’m not letting you out of my sight.” His lips twisted. It was as close to a smile as she supposed she’d get.

Snow liked that about him. She liked how reserved he was. It made the rare smiles he offered that much more meaningful.

There was another hang-up, however. He should know better than most the peculiarities of her diet. Snow had been borderline diabetic a few years before and had invested a lot of time and personal effort to curbing the amount of junk food she ate. After that, she’d dedicated herself to exercising and taking better care of her body. At least, it had started that way. But the more she’d begun to cut those things from her diet, the better she started feeling and soon it became more of a lifestyle choice than anything.

“As long as this place has a low-calorie option, I’m down.”

“I think they do.” He offered her his hand.

She eyed him.

“Too much?”

“What are you worried about?” Was that why he’d offered his hand? To keep her close?

“You,” he said. “The show. The employees. Everything.”

She inhaled. She’d give him that much then, though she couldn’t deny the idea of her hand in his sent pinwheels flurrying inside of her. “Let’s do what we can, then.”