Snow sagged against the door of her closet. “That’s just the problem though. If they’re noticing me noticing him, they probably also notice him noticing me back. Ugh. Did that make any sense?”

Juliet laughed. “No, but love rarely does.”

“Love?” Something curled in the pit of her stomach. Hunter had used the word earlier tonight too. He’d said love was worth fighting for. “Oh my gosh—Juliet. Do you think he loves me?”

“I don’t know about that,” Juliet said. “Maybe he does. Maybe you need to find out.”

The suggestion ignited like a challenge in Snow’s gut. Any other time she would accept that challenge. She would conquer whatever obstacles stood between her and a man who made her feel like Hunter did: exceptional, capable, and yet fragile too. Not this time, though. She needed to stop thinking about her guard and get her head in the game.

“How can I? And better still, why should I? Things are already complicated enough as it is.”

“Then let it go, I guess,” Juliet said. “Wait it out and see what happens.”

“After I pick my bachelor, you mean.”

Juliet gave a non-committal shrug. Snow wished she had that luxury, but there was nothing non-committal about this. She’d have to let Hunter go and work on giving the remaining bachelors the attention they deserved.


“We’re down to three,” Amira said during the midweek check-in. They were now ten days into the competition. The host looked pretty and graceful in a coral-striped shirt and pencil skirt. Snow was situated on the comfortable chair across from her in the staged living room area on a block that elevated it from ground level. Cameras were directed at them, and she crossed her ankles beneath her seat and kept her gaze on Amira.

“We are,” Snow said. “It’s hard to believe.”

“Tell me, Snow—and the rest of the world, because I’m sure they’re as eager to know as I am—any hints at who you’ll pick?”

“I wish I knew,” Snow said truthfully, the admission pricking her heart. “It hasn’t been easy to get to know these amazing guys and have to slowly let all of them go.”

Amira’s eyes twinkled. Thanks to their briefing, Snow had been apprised of the questions she would be asking—and she’d assured Amira she had no surprise bombshells to drop on her this time. “Not all your dates have been amazing, though. This last one with Eric seemed to get a little testy there.”

“Yeah, there were some issues between Eric and my bodyguard,” Snow said.

“Care to tell us a little more about what’s going on there? Is there something between you and your bodyguard?”

Snow froze. She didn’t know what to say and couldn’t figure out Amira’s angle. She hadn’t briefed Snow about this question beforehand. Why would she ask it? Unless she hadn’t been planning to…But what good would it do to draw attention to Snow’s feelings, even if she admitted as much?

She supposed turnabout was fair play. Snow had thrust a pretty hefty, unexpected announcement at Amira. Would the host do this to get back at her or was it an innocent question? Whatever the case, Snow wasn’t one to hide the truth. “Not on purpose,” she said. “It’s just that, spending so much time with someone does create a relationship.” What was she saying? “I care about him—” That wasn’t any better, especially not considering the way Amira’s face opened with surprise.

“We’ve become friends,” Snow hurried to add, sure Amira and everyone else watching could see right through her.

“And friendship—is that all there is between you?”

Heat filled Snow’s cheeks. She wouldn’t be surprised if she had apples of her own on either side of her face. Of all the times for her emotions to give her away. It wouldn’t matter what she said from this point on—her face had given her away.

“Yes,” Snow said, hoping to cover whatever her cheeks were revealing.

Friendship. Though she and Hunter both wished it could be more.

“You have a few apples left,” Amira said. “And I know viewers are eagerly waiting for your decision. Several of them have their favorites. Which bachelor do you think Snow should choose?” she asked the cameras. “Be sure to let us know on social media and don’t forget the Heartthrob hashtag!”

They smiled at the cameras until Luis said, “That’s a wrap.”

Snow caught Hunter looking at her. It was intense and shadowy, the kind of look that made her feel like she was the only other person in the room with him, and it made her entire body hum.

Amira bade her goodbye and stepped off the set, and while Snow noticed the host, the camera crew, and others bustling through, she couldn’t tear her gaze from Hunter. She’d all but admitted she was falling for him. On national TV.

Hunter trapped her from across the room, his expression fixated, his presence consuming her thoughts so she didn’t dare move.

Eloise climbed onto the elevated platform she was still on and took Amira’s place on the couch diagonal from her. She tapped Snow’s leg and managed to steal her attention.