“Hey, there. I kept my distance as much as I could. I thought that leatherneck might try to fight me again,” Hunter said, falling into step beside her.

“Completely understandable. I can’t believe Eric acted like an all-out jerk like that.”

“I wasn’t expecting it either,” Hunter said.

“Are you okay with—everything?” She wasn’t sure how to phrase the question. Clearly, he wasn’t hurt, but what about inside? Was he regretting his decision to have her on the show? Did he regret offering to come on her dates now?

“I’m just fine,” he said.

She bobbed her head. “I was going to walk outside. Want to come?”

“Happy to.”

She made her way toward the back of the Elir and out the doors that led into an immaculate garden. The night was warm, and purple tones garbed the twilight sky. Palm trees climbed along the path, towering above the colorful spread of flowers in their beds below. Snow had admired this garden during her walk with Carter. But there was something different about being here with Hunter. Something…shareable.

“I still can’t believe his behavior,” Snow said. “Fighting over a woman. Is this junior high or what?”

“I don’t know,” Hunter said, clutching his hands behind his back. “I think territorialism isn’t limited to pubescence.”

History was proof of that, she supposed. How many wars had been fought over territory and possessiveness?

“Have you ever fought over a woman before?” she asked with a laugh.

“Not with my fists,” Hunter said. “But to get her to notice me? To get her attention? It’s not all primeval. Stupid, sometimes, yes, but people fight over a lot of nonsensical things that don’t matter as much as we think they do in the moment. Love matters, though. When it comes to love, that is worth fighting for. You are worth fighting for.”

Snow didn’t know what to say. She stopped in the middle of the path and stared up at Hunter’s handsome face. “Thank you,” she said. “Though I hope it never comes to that.”

“Oh, but I think it already has.” His eyes twinkled and a rare smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

The moment froze inside of her. Her body stilled, savoring the words, waiting as they became tangible, as they entered her bloodstream and inserted themselves into her very being. She felt the statement resonate with every step she took. Hunter’s words became an additional plane in her mind, taking up all the space in her brain. The statement festered inside of Snow’s chest throughout the rest of their walk, all the way up to the seventh floor, and as she readied for bed.

“What did that mean?” she said, relaying the conversation with Juliet. Had Hunter been sayinghewas fighting for her?

“He’s not a contestant,” Juliet said. She flopped on her stomach on Snow’s bed and bunched one of Snow’s pillows beneath her. Her dark hair pooled down her back. “Maybe he’s considering fighting for you once you pick your bachelor and the show ends. Or maybe he’s referring to the show itself. The nature of the show is a kind of quiet fight for you, you know? All these men are technically in a battle for your attention.”

“I wish he was one of my bachelors,” Snow said, sinking against the door of her closet. Saying as much out loud felt both traitorous and liberating.


“The show would probably be over right now if he was.”

“Would it, though?” Juliet’s question was pensive. “If Hunter was one of your bachelors, you wouldn’t have had as much time to spend with him.”

“Maybe I would have. Hunter and I have had this spark ever since we met. I’ve been waiting for something like that to happen with every other man, but it never has. But with Hunter? Everything sizzles and glows every time he’s around. I’m ridiculously aware of him watching me. Sometimes I feel like his attention is so fixated, like he’s not just keeping a close eye on me because he’s being paid to, but because he genuinely cares.”

She’d told him as much the night they’d danced. She’d all but admitted she was into him. It wasn’t necessarily forbidden. Nothing in the rules said she couldn’t fall for someone who wasn’t one of her bachelors. It was just the courtesy of the thing. The fairness to Clayton, Carter, and Marcos. And Judd as well.

“He probably does,” Juliet said. “Maybe that’s why Eric got so snooty tonight. He watches you too—they all do. And with your attention on Hunter, they’re starting to notice.”

Snow hadn’t ever been good at hiding her feelings. Another reason she shouldnothave danced with Hunter the night of their sleepover. The more time she spent with Hunter, those feelings only deepened. She was buzzing with the elation from his words during their walk.

“Maybe I should talk to Eloise and have her get me a new bodyguard,” Snow mused. The thought made her want to leave the show completely. Still, wouldn’t it be the right thing to do? Then again, Hunter owned the show and had said he wouldn’t entrust her safety to anyone else.

“Can you do that?”

“Probably.” If she was adamant about it, he would respect her wishes.

“Would you want to, though?” Juliet sat up. “If Hunter cares about you, you won’t want anyone else looking out for you. I doubt anyone else will be as invested as he is.”