Snow hurried to kneel by his side. His head lolled as if waiting for the stars to stop spinning. She placed a hand on his shoulder. “Eric, what are you doing?”

She’d thought it was impossible that any of her bachelors could want to hurt her, but did Eric have some other motive for this behavior? Was he trying to get Hunter out of the way for another reason? So he could attack her? His conduct made it appear that way: first, with trying to convince her to run off with him and ditch their plans and second, by acting so hostile toward Hunter.

“Nothing,” Eric replied. He released another cough and then pushed to his feet, resting his hands on his hips. “I won’t let him down me a second time.”

Snow had had enough. “There won’t be a second time,” she said. “I think we should head back.”

Eric gestured a hand toward the instructor. A few other onlookers had gathered to see what was happening, and Hector continued to film it all from the hard floor a step down from the red mat. “We haven’t gotten to all of the maneuvers.”

Snow scoffed. “I’ve seen enough,” she said.

In one tense movement, Eric glanced around at the cameras, the employees who’d come in to break up the fighting, and Hunter who remained inches from Snow’s side. And without another word, he stormed to the exit in a frustrated huff.

Snow opted to sit in the front of the car by the driver on the way home and leave the men to themselves. The music kept her from hearing their muted conversation in the backseat. Still, Hunter could handle whatever Eric shot at him, and she’d had it with him.

Before long, they arrived at the Elir. Snow passed through the front doors without waiting for either of them. Then she paused, knowing she should at least show Hunter the courtesy. While Eric had acted like an egotistical maniac, Hunter had only been doing his job and defending himself in the process.

“Snow, wait up,” Eric called once she stepped into the lobby.

She didn’t want to. Her irritation with him grew by the minute, but Hector ambled in, camera perched and at the ready. She steeled herself. Might as well cap off the evening. It was time to let Eric down easy—easier than he deserved.

She lingered by the elevator, inhaling the clean smell of the lobby.

“Did you have some time to cool off?” she asked.

He grimaced and rubbed the back of his neck. “That wasn’t how I wanted tonight to go,” he said.

“I know,” she said. “I’m not giving you the apple tonight, Eric.”

He tilted his head, the side of his jaw working. It took several seconds before he replied. “A second chance might be nice,” he said. “I promise I’m not an all-out possessive jerk all the time.”

“I didn’t think you were. You’ve shown me at other times how considerate you are. This isn’t only because of tonight, Eric. I just don’t think we’d make a good fit.”

He released another breath, though this one sounded a little more resigned. “You will fit with someone else, though,” he said with more humility than he’d shown all evening.

“I hope so,” she said with a smile, relieved he wasn’t going to turn this into a spat. People would eat that up. “I hope you do too.”

“Thanks,” he said, peering around the lobby and at Hector’s camera that had caught up to catch their exchange. “There you go. This will all be on TV.”

“Nature of the beast,” she said. What did he expect?

He frowned in concentration as though solving a complex math problem. After a few short moments, his brow smoothed, and he lifted his gaze to hers. “It was really incredible meeting you,” he said.

“You too. Goodbye, Eric.”

He punched the button on the elevator. “You coming up?”

“Not yet.” She clutched her hands together, inhaling. The truth was, she was wistful. She felt slightly caged after their brawl and she wasn’t ready to turn in.

The hotel’s main doors rotated, and Hunter strolled in, one hand in his pocket, looking suave and unaffected despite Eric’s confrontational behavior earlier. Snow admired him for it. She liked that he could keep his cool while under pressure. It inspired confidence in his abilities, yes, but was also just plain admirable. “I think I’ll walk around the grounds for a little while.”

“With your guard?” This time Eric’s voice was understanding, of all things.

“He goes where I go,” she said with a smile.

Eric tipped his head toward her and stepped into the elevator’s open jaws. She gave him a little wave as the doors closed. This would be their last meeting. He’d possibly make an appearance for an interview with Amira to share his thoughts on how things had gone, but Snow wouldn’t be there for that.

A wave of both sadness and relief swept over her at the thought. Four bachelors down. Though Judd hadn’t officially been dismissed, she wouldn’t be selecting him. That meant there were three to go.