“Si,” Marcos said, leading her. Snow had no idea what she was doing, but Marcos’s steps were rhythmic and guiding, and she found she was able to at least feel like she was as talented as he was because he was so good at leading. She laughed, and several of the guys whooped as Marcos dipped her before whipping her to his chest.

She stayed there, wrapping her arms around him. “That was the most fun I’ve ever had dancing,” she said in his ear.

“I can teach you more sometime.” Marcos kissed her cheek.

“I saw that,” Carter called out before pushing to his feet. “My turn.”

Snow laughed and took Carter’s offered hands. He slipped his arms around her waist and guided her in a steady circle. “I don’t have any moves,” he said.

“I don’t need them.” Snow settled herself against Carter’s chest. There was something comforting about his quiet presence, something she needed. Solace escaped from him and right into her bones as he held her, as the two of them swayed to the soothing, rhythmic beat. It was so everything she needed that when the song ended, she didn’t want to pull away.

“What about you, Clayton?” she said, smoothing her hair and offering him a hand.

“I admit, I almost enjoyed just watching you more than wanting my turn.” He rose and slipped his hands around her waist, pulling her abruptly close to his chest so a little squeak leaked from her lips. “Almost,” he dipped in to add in her ear.

Snow fizzled under the soothing rumble of that word. She smiled at him and moved in time with Clayton.

“You’re a stunning woman, Snow.” Clayton rubbed his hand along her back.

She admired the line of his well-trimmed beard and the softness in his eyes. “Thank you,” she said, noticing from her periphery that several of the others nodded their agreement. She should return the compliment—but how could she flatter one of them in front of the others when she felt roughly the same for each of them?

Judd was last. He asked Eric to turn on a country song and soon the six of them were lined up in the space in Snow’s suite, thumbs hitched to their waists while they stomped and pivoted and yee-hawed in a line dance. Laughing, Snow hugged Judd once it was over. That single hug turned into another group hug, though she didn’t miss how warm Judd’s embrace was or how good he smelled.

He yawned when the hug broke. Snow tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and searched for the clock. “After midnight? We’d better get some sleep.”

“I could pull an all-nighter,” Eric said.

“You go right ahead,” Carter said, slugging Eric’s arm and fighting a yawn of his own. “In the meantime, I’ll just settle myself on the couch.”

“Oh, no you don’t,” Marcos said playfully. A wrestling match resulted as the men fought over who would claim the one and only couch. Snow laughed, dodging legs and arms and finally reverting to stand in the kitchen beside Hunter.

One of the guys turned on the TV. It turned out Eric won the couch after all. Clayton, Judd, and Marcos positioned their pillows at the couch’s base, while Carter pointed in Hunter’s direction.

“Hunter didn’t get a dance,” he said.

Hunter lifted his hands and leaned his elbows onto the bar behind him. “Oh—no. I’m good, I—” His eyes flicked to Snow’s. “I don’t get one.”

“Why not?” she said, standing and offering him her hand.

“You deserve a dance as much as any of us after your heroics earlier,” Clayton said, straightforward as ever.

Several of the guys agreed, though Snow didn’t miss Eric’s scowl.

“Go on,” Carter encouraged.

Snow loved these men all the more for their inclusion and acknowledgment of Hunter. She offered a hand to her bodyguard once more.

Hunter analyzed her hand. “I’m not one of your choices.”

“Please. Dance with me.”

He hesitated only a moment before sliding his hand over hers and standing. A thrill coursed through her at the touch of his skin. It didn’t matter that he was so different from her. She felt more energized being near him than she did with any of the others.

Sounds from the TV blared, and Snow took Hunter’s hand and led him to the space near the kitchen and the door so Eric could continue sliding the furniture back into place.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Hunter’s voice was uncharacteristically timid.

She faced him. Guided his hands to her waist so that she tingled beneath his touch. The slightest trace of uncertainty lingered in his expression, but he planted his gaze on hers.