“Just more PR, right?” Snow said. “I’ll be available to answer questions and that kind of thing, if it helps. And with Hunter accompanying me on the dates with the bachelors, everything will probably work out just fine.”

Eloise planted a hand on her hip. “Then why do we need to bring it up?”

“Because this is part of my reassurance that everything will be fine,” Snow said. She’d never gotten agitated with Eloise before, but why was she so against this?

Eloise huffed. She pivoted, lifted her hands as if to saywhatever, and turned to face Snow again.

“Are you ready to proceed with the interview?” Eloise said, still slightly aggravated but trying to mask how much. “Amira is ready for you. Viewers will want an insider update about your feelings that they don’t get from just watching you with the contestants.”

“I’m ready if you are,” Snow said.

Eloise lifted her chin. “Why wouldn’t I be ready?” She gave a fake smile and a simpering laugh. She tossed a hand in Hunter’s direction as though expecting him to join in on the joke.

“You look a little flushed.” Snow smiled. She wasn’t going to hold anything back, not when it came to so many people’s safety. This wasn’t just about her. Yes, she’d gotten threats personally, but so had Hunter and the station. This threatener needed to know they wouldn’t go quietly, no matter how much that upset the producer.

Eloise flashed her a look. “I’ll meet you in the H room. We both need to get mic’ed.”

Snow waited until the door closed behind her before turning to Hunter.

“Do you think Eloise is in on it? She seemed so put off by the idea of talking about the threats on the show.”

“Eloise is extremely good at her job,” Hunter said. His scowl was back in place. Was he bothered by Snow’s accusation or just gruff as a rule? “She’s well-paid to be put off about sudden changes. She is extremely thorough and organized, and I like that about her.”

Snow wasn’t sure she could agree with him. Then again, she didn’t know Eloise quite as well as he did. “What about the other contestants? Have you contacted Tys and Preston to see if either of them know anything about the threats?”

“We have. So far, neither of them have given off any kind of helpful direction.”

Snow nodded. “Okay then. Guess I’d better head to the stage.”

She didn’t wait for his reply but made her way through the door, across the main area, and to the smaller recording studio known as Room H.

Eloise had her clipboard in hand and was currently talking to the cameramen and laughing about something. The previous contention that had been in her expression vanished. She acted as though the conversation had never taken place, even going so far as to smile at Snow.

Okay, then. Maybe Eloise had come to terms with what Snow intended to do.

Hector approached Snow. “Hey, there,” he said in his usual way.

“Hi, Hector.”

“Ready to get your voice on?”

“Mic me up.”

She lifted her arms while he situated the little mic onto her person and secured it to the back of her pants. “You’re all set.”

Several others were in the room, including a man sitting at the soundboard, talking into his headset and Amira, who would be conducting the interview.

Snow wondered what her dates were doing right now. Had they also had interviews? She’d seen Carter and Eric in the hallway and suspected as much. They’d waved in a friendly manner to her, and Carter had kept peering back at her as he’d walked toward the exit.

Amira took her place on the longer couch, facing the center camera. She signaled for Snow to take the armchair beside her and fluffed her hair. She looked poised and refined in a pair of cutoff pants and a striped cream blouse, her mic visible on her collar and her brown hair curling at her shoulders.

“We’re talking about the dates you’ve had so far,” Amira said as the cameramen slid their equipment into position. One camera was facing Amira, one focused on Snow.

Snow sank onto the chair. “Sounds good.”

Amira tapped a hand to her ear and spoke with the person on the other end, and then the cameraman counted down from five, neglecting to finish. Snow’s heart caught and then pounded a little faster as it always did before a performance. She counted the remaining pulses in her head, and then Amira put on her hostess face. Pretty smile, genuine magnetic personality. Check, check.

“Hello, America, we’re here with Snow Hendricks, belle of this season’s Heartthrob’s Most Wanted. Snow is about to give us all an insider update on how things have been going so far. Hi, Snow.”