Unless… Snow had someone with her at all times. Someone to scope the perimeter, to keep tabs on the outskirts of her dates’ locations, someone trained to notice suspicious activity and better still, someone trained to handle it.

The idea struck Hunter with a desire to move, to act. Kassie may have had a point in her questions earlier. Being a bodyguard wasn’t in the job description, but Snow’s safety was, and Hunter had the necessary skills and training should these threats come to physical force.

He made the decision in an instant.

“Okay, then. If we proceed, I will accompany you on your dates starting now. Consider me your bodyguard as well as head of security.”

Eloise sniffed. Snow’s lips parted, her hands going limp at her sides.

“You? Why?”

“I’d like the answer to that myself,” Eloise said. She sniffed and lifted her chin.

Hunter stared them down. He could explain his thought process and prove his qualifications, but that was unnecessary. When it came down to it, he was the perfect man for the job for one reason:

“Because I’m the only one I trust right now,” he said.


Snow was growing tired of her hotel room, but she opted to stay there the following day, needing a safe space to process the discussion she’d had with Mr. Bradley and Eloise. She didn’t want to worry her parents by calling them, but she needed someone to talk to.

She couldn’t help but reply to Mr. Bradley’s final statement before she’d been escorted to her suite. What had he meant? Did that mean he didn’t trust Eloise?

Or perhaps he suspected the threatener was one of the bachelors. Perhapsher—did he suspect she would stoop low enough to leaveherselfthreatening notes just to add a little kink in the works?

She’d meant it when she’d said she wanted to find her Prince Charming. She wanted to fall in love, desperately and wholly. Her parents were blissfully happy together. Snow didn’t think it was too much to expect the same future bliss too.

The monetary prize at the end would also be nice—it would allow her the freedom to live as she wished while searching for acting jobs, but she wasn’t doing this for money. She was in it for love.

If she said the word, they would cancel the show, that much she knew. But would the threats stop even if they did? What if this person continued to antagonize her? At least this way, she had Mr. Bradley, Hector, and others with her—along with the benefit of the video feed for proof. They could have the chance to catch whoever the culprit was while he or she was at it.

Snow considered calling Juliet, but she couldn’t disclose anything to her. Juliet didn’t have clearance. After her last conversation with Lily, however, Lily had gone through the effort of signing everything that she needed. Snow tapped theCallicon and soon her screen filled with the familiar sight of her childhood friend’s face. Lily’s vibrant red hair was still in its pixie cut. Not the typical look you’d expect from a princess—but then, Lily wasn’t your typical princess.

She and Henrik had clicked from the start. Lily had told Snow that had been one reason Henrik had chosen her for his bride—because they’d had an unmistakable connection.

Snow longed for something like that to happen to her as well. She craved to be adored, to have a man she could talk to, someone she could laugh with, someone who got her jokes and didn’t mind her stringent diet or penchant for exercise. Someone who she could find solace in, someone who would let her be the same for him. She wanted a friend, a lover, a husband, a forever. A perfect fit—or as perfect as she could get.

While the men on the show were nice so far, while there had been a few tingling moments, like when Carter had whispered in her ear or Judd had shown up at her door with flowers, none of them struck her as a genuineconnectionyet.

That didn’t mean it wouldn’t happen though. She was determined that it would. This show was more than merely a playful endeavor to entertain an audience. It was her life right now. And she was in it for love. She couldn’t let go of that for some suspicious notes.

“Hey, Lily,” Snow said.

“Snow! How are you? How are things going on the show? I got my clearance! It looks like you’re at the San Diego Elir, aren’t you?”

Snow peered out the window at the incredible paradise in view—the hotel’s opulent gardens and a glimpse of the sea beyond. This destination could be anyone’s dream. “Yeah, and it’s amazing. It’s located right across from the studio, which makes it perfect. I can walk within close distance to a lot of amazing things here.” Just not by herself.

“Then why don’t you sound more excited about it?” Lily’s tone was a little too cautious. Snow sighed, turned, and sank onto the couch, tucking her foot beneath her. She met her friend’s concerned face on the video chat.

“Things are a little crazy right now, and I’m not quite sure what to do about it.”

“Believe me, I know crazy. What kind of crazy?”

Lily’s ex had gone nuthouse and held up the Von Frosk family in their home in Einvar at gunpoint. She definitely understood crazy. “Someone is making threats to the show. To—to me.”

“You? Why?”

“I don’t know. I found a note warning me to leave the night before the show premiered. Then another one showed up on my seat in the car after one of my dates. When I showed the producers, it turns out they’ve been getting threatening notes at the studio too.”