With one hand on my mouth, I‘m fishing around in my bag for a ginger chew when I realize something.

Victoria is still in the room.

“Charlee, are you okay? Did you eat something that’s not sitting right with you?” She rushes over to my side and places a hand on my back.

Flashing her a smile, I shake my head. “No, not really. I’m just a little under the weather.”

“Can I get you something? A drink, maybe?”

“Oh no! Don’t stress yourself. I’m okay. Thank you, really.”

Taking my time, I unwrap my ginger chew slowly so I don’t have to look her in the eyes. I have this feeling Victoria has other-worldly powers, like she can see beyond the ordinary. She’s staring at me now, standing straight in all her majesty, arms folded, a quizzical crease to her brows.

“I don’t mean to pry, Charlee. But you can confide in me. What’s really wrong? There’s this… difference… to your appearance that I’ve noticed. Not that you haven’t always been the most gorgeous woman around here with all that perfect skin, full curves, and lucky red hair. But there this… glowing shine to you.”

I’m staring at Victoria with my mouth wide open.

“Most gorgeous what? Thanks for trying to cheer me up, though,” I say, munching on my chew.

Victoria shakes her head with a laugh. “The lucky ones are also the most oblivious to their luck. Your beauty is the kind that skincare products and body sculptors cannot imitate. Take it from a fellow woman. You should flaunt it more. You have the kind of body people would kill for.”

I can feel my face going crimson-red as I stare at my hands. I’ve always been self-conscious about my body, literally so uncomfortable that I’d often hide it under non-flattering clothes. Why can’t I be tall and willowy like Victoria? Why does my skin have to be so pale-white? And what’s this weird hair color for goodness’ sake?

But here is Victoria, a goddess in her own right, honestly affirming me and my body. She doesn’t sound like she’s lying. Harrison has said the same thing lots of times before and I didn’t believe him.

I’m suddenly fighting this strong urge to get in front of a mirror and look at myself with new eyes.

Exhaling tiredly instead, I meet Victoria’s eyes. I actually want to tell her what’s wrong with me. No one at the office knows about my baby. Not even Janice. Somehow, I want to be honest with Victoria. I don’t know why, but she seems so… open-hearted.

I have to say it before I chicken out and change my mind.

“Victoria, what I’m about to say may sound like a joke at first, but it’s true.”

A pause.

“I’m… pregnant.”

I’m expecting her to go white with shock like Tess had, but she slides her eyes from side to side and cocks her head, as if she’s waiting for something to drop into her brain.

And then she starts smiling, shaking her head in that signature way that makes her brown waves ruffle.


Swallowing hard, I nod quietly. “How did you know?”

Victoria huffs teasingly. “Have you seen yourself when you’re around him? And his reaction whenever you walk into a room? You two are like a couple of extra-horny magnets. I’ve known Harrison for a long time, and no other woman can get such a rise out of him. It’s actually quite cute to watch. Also, I think everyone else probably knows. Or at least, they suspect.”

My eyes go wide in my head.

She smiles and rocks her head. “It’s okay, dear. It’s really not so bad if you ask me. Forgive me for further prying, but I have to ask. Are you keeping it? Have you told him?”

Victoria paused for a moment, and then fired more questions. “Is he excited to be a baby daddy? How does he feel about all of this?”

My heart does a little squeeze. Little, but still painful. I have yet another embarrassing confession to make.

“Harrison doesn’t know yet.”

If Victoria didn’t express her shock at the first confession, she sure does this time. She’s shaking her head again but the rest of her body goes still.