No answer.

Now I’m getting scared. My heart starts pounding in my chest, so loudly my hands and feet are vibrating to the rhythm.

Is she unconscious? What if she needs help and there’s no one to come through?

I’m still knocking relentlessly when the door opposite Charlee’s opens.

“Hey! Don’t you have a phone?” It’s Charlee’s neighbor, Amanda. She’s wearing an eye cover on her forehead, eyes red like she’s been deep in sleep for hours.

“I’m so sorry, Amanda,” I say, turning to face her. “Charlee’s not answering her calls and I’ve been knocking for a while now. I’m starting to worry if she’s okay in there.”

Amanda looks at me like I’m crazy.

“Seriously? You're Charlee’s friend and you don’t know she’s moved out? The movers were here just this afternoon. That apartment is empty. Charlee is gone, buddy.”



The hallway automatically starts spinning as a dizzy spell hits me right there. I have to reach out and clutch the wall to keep from falling.

“Charlee moved out?”

Amanda huffs at me. “Did I stutter? I’m sure I was clear enough.”

I’m too weak to pay attention to her rudeness. “Please, did she tell you where she was going?”

“Honestly, that’s not my business and I didn’t ask. I just bid her farewell. I also just came out here to tell you to stop disturbing my sleep or I’ll call security. Bye.” She heads back into her home and slams the door in my face.

How did my day go from zero to a hundred and back to zero?

“Excuse me, Sir, are you Harrison Bridges?”

I turn toward the staircase and it’s the doorman, a fully gray-haired guy who looks to be about my age.

“Yes, I’m Harrison,” I say, exhaling tiredly. “I’m sorry if someone complained about the loud knocking. I didn’t know Charlee had moved out. Do you know where she went?”

I’m sure he doesn’t know, but I just have to ask.

“Nope. But she left someone addressed to Harrison Bridges. I know that’s you, so here you go.” He hands me a white envelope with “HARRISON” written on the front. My heart squeezes painfully again. Written notes in situations like this are never a good sign.

Thanking the man, I head downstairs and get into my car.

It takes me five minutes to gather the strength to open the envelope. It’s written in Charlee’s neat hand, the i’s slanting and the h’s curving at all three ends.

“Dear Harrison,

I’m sorry you have to find out this way. By the time this note gets to you, I’ll be long gone. I’ve already turned in my resignation at HQ. I’ve decided to do this on my own. I have to think about what’s best for my baby, and for now, that’s staying away from all the toxicity in New York. Please don’t try to find me. Even Tess doesn’t know where I’ve gone, but she’s given her blessing. I didn’t want to leave without letting you know I love you. I love who you and I am really proud of all you achieved so far. I know you can do so much more. I’ll always root for you. I just wish things didn’t have to end this way, but it’s for the best. For all of us. Please take care of yourself. I’m wishing you the best of luck.


In the next ten minutes, I’ve read the note a hundred times and I still can’t believe it. The denial is unrelenting.

And then it gives way to an avalanche of raw pain crashing through my entire body.

My Charlee.

The love of my life has vanished because of my stupidity.