Roscoe and I sit in silence for a few minutes, neither of us having the energy to delve into these annoying issues. He eventually goes to the bar and comes back with two glasses and a bottle of scotch.

“You’re here pretty late. What’s up? A lead? Break in the case?” Roscoe says, pouring me a drink.

“Yeah, a major one.” Taking my time, I share all the details with him as he sips, listening and nodding quietly.

I exhale tiredly when I’m done talking. I should be happier, but I’m just so tired, so exhausted.

Roscoe is feeling the excitement on my behalf. “Harrison, that’s incredible! You’ve actually broken through this. Dad certainly knows Clayton. I wonder if he knows Garfield is the man’s son. How is he connected to all of this?”

I just shake my head at that. I’m also clueless as to Dad’s involvement in this ugly case.

“No problem,” Roscoe says. “I’ll leave it to you to pry it out of the old man. Fix a meeting with him and drop the bombshell. His reactions will seal the investigation. I can feel it.”

I want to start feeling the weight lifting off my chest but I’m not ready to get excited yet. I haven’t exactly been the luckiest man these days.

Roscoe notices my downcast mood. “Why the long face, Harrison? You should be over the moon. Or does this have to do with Charlee.? Is that why you look this miserable?”

My thin smile doesn’t reach my eyes. “I’ve made a huge mess, Roscoe. I believed Dad’s bullshit and accused her of gold-digging. I feel like an idiot.”

Roscoe chuckles ruefully. “Yeah, with this situation, you are a big idiot, bro. You’ve always been really smart, but you’ve definitely been an idiot about this woman. I haven’t seen someone fumble a chance at true happiness this much. Get yourself together. Step up and break free from Dad’s shackles.”

He’s right, as always. I’ve been an absolute idiot.

I’ve ruined everything.

But I’m not about to lose it all without a fight.

I don’t know if things will ever be the same again, but nothing will stop me from trying with every fiber of my being. I won’t let Charlee out of my life just like that.

I’m going to make this right.

At any cost, whatsoever.



Apparently, these sunshades aren’t as dark as I thought they were.

I’m not sure any normal person who isn’t hungover would wear sunglasses into a workplace at nine AM in the morning, but I don’t want anyone here to recognize me.

Well, the plan successfully flunked. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail to hide it, but I don’t know how many years it’ll take me to realize that the redness of my hair is like a walking beacon of light. As for my skin, let’s just say not many people look like they don’t get any sun year-round. When my former colleague and friend, Alexis from IT, sees me at the reception, she shrieks joyfully at the top of her voice, covering her mouth when she remembers she was at work.

I have to get out of here before more people come through the door.

I’m at BB27, sitting at the reception area waiting for the HR manager. Since Bridges is the parent company, major HR decisions from Building Bridges have to come through here, such as when a top executive and divisional lead decides to quit for “personal reasons.”

I’m handing in my resignation letter today.

I’ve spent the past week re-drafting it to sound more human and emotional than that steely-toned nonsense Bryce gave me. I thought I’d be more than ready to hand it in, but now, sitting here, thinking of all the energy, time, and goodwill I’ve poured into this company, I’m realizing how hard it is to let go. Even worse, the thought of starting over after five years is scarier than the reality of leaving.

My emotions are in a bitter cocktail right now. I’m giving up a lot, but I think it’s what’s best for my baby right now. The tensions around me in New York are way too much. Simply moving to another side of the city doesn’t feel like it’s going to cut things off. I have to leave, for good.

Also, I don’t think Bryce was playing about when he said he’d cut Harrison out of all his privileges and rights because of me. I would die of guilt if that ever happened. Harrison has worked inconceivably hard for everything he’s become today. He’s given his life and youth to the family business, and just because he has a baby coming with someone his daddy doesn’t like, he’s about to lose it all?

How else can anyone depict evil?

“Charlee, you’re here! Good morning, dear. So good to see you.” Mrs. Weller is the HR manager and has been at the company since it was started decades ago. It’s funny how someone this kind and gentle can work in close connection with Bryce Bridges for so long.