He bustles out hastily. Normally, I would feel alone and exposed now that Roscoe isn’t here anymore even though he wasn’t much help. However, I’m unbothered. None of this is getting to me anymore.

Pulling one of the white cushioned chairs out, I take a seat, suddenly feeling very tired.

Ever since his back surgery, Dad has this forcefully draining aura that makes him even more tiresome to be around.

Clearing his throat after his ridiculous laughter has died down, Dad faces me again. “You are so naïve and I’m partially to blame. I haven’t taught you well. Look, son, I know you think you’re in love, but trust me, this isn’t going to end well. Take it from someone who has seen a lot in life. You have to let her go.”

The big migraine I’ve been suppressing finally slams into my skull. How quickly can I get out of here?

“Let her go? What does that even mean?” I ask, rubbing my temple.

“It means what it means. You won’t only cut her out of your life but she also has to leave the company immediately. She has to be cut away from you entirely. Think of the complications and absolute disgrace this will bring to Building Bridges and the family name if it gets out. This Hayes person and his legal team of rabid dogs will eat this up. This is just the opportunity they’ve been seeking to discredit you and the business. If this gets out, you’re done for, Harrison. The game is over.”

The trepidation finally starts trickling into my veins.

Does Dad think that I’ve not considered all of this? Does he have any idea how many nights I’ve stayed up turning worst-case scenarios around in my head?

“Dad, I understand what you’re saying. Believe me, I feel very guilty for putting the company in this position. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen and definitely not right now. I’ve thought about all of it, but I must step up to my responsibilities. I’m not going to cut Charlee’s dreams short. I’m not going to take her career away from her because I knocked her up. I’m sorry, Dad, but I’m not going to fire her.”

Dad lets out a deep sigh of disappointment and sits up.

“I knew you were gullible but I didn’t know you could be easily deceived like this. Are you honestly telling me you don’t see what’s happening here?” Dad asks, clasping his hands in front of him.

I almost roll my eyes. “Enlighten me, please.”

“This girl obviously planned everything from the start,” he says, tapping lightly on the table. “From that night you both left the party together, she had everything planned out. She targeted you and you fell for it. She seduced you and you went in like a man who’s never been with a woman before. Her entire plan was to get pregnant and either secure a huge payoff from the family, or get monthly child support that would obviously be thick checks. She had all this planned out and you’ve fallen like an absolute fool.”

I wonder if my father even hears the way he sounds sometimes.

I’m not even going to try to figure out how he knew about that night with Charlee after the party, but can this man hear himself?

“Dad, why is it so hard for you to believe that a woman like Charlee can actually be in love with me? Is it so hard to see me happy? Is that too tough for you to imagine? Why are you accusing her of such despicable things?”

I have a lot more to say, but I can’t bear it any longer. “Thank you, Dad. I came here to update you on the case with Hayes but I’m no longer in the mood to talk. I’m leaving.”

He starts dry-laughing again as I get up from the seat. I’m almost at the door when he calls out to me.

“I didn’t want to tell you this, but it seems I have to. Charlee’s lawyer has already approached our legal team. They’ve laid out the options. We either pay out the sum of ten million dollars or we agree to twenty thousand dollars monthly child support. I’m sure she didn’t discuss this with you. What other proof do you need, Harrison?”

My body stiffens.

This room is suddenly moving in a circle. Why is it spinning so fast?

“You’re lying, Dad. This is the lowest you’ve gone today.” He has to be lying. Has to.

“I wish I was, son. It would save you a lot of heartache, but I’m not lying. You can check in with the lawyers. Charlee is out to milk you dry.”

Could this be true, or is my father flinging the highest shot of wickedness so far?



The best dog breed for toddlers and young children are golden retrievers. They are extremely gentle, deeply kind, sweetly loving, and they foster strong bonds your children will ultimately be grateful for as they get older.

I’m reading this article on my phone and I don’t know why tears are streaming down my cheeks. The pictures of the tiny Golden Retriever pups are so cute. My heart can’t take it. Dr. Henderson says the unnecessary crying is perfectly normal, but mine is getting out of hand. I can just see a butterfly in the flower hedge and burst into tears.

I’m terrified of embarrassing myself one day.