
Dad looks angrier than I’ve seen him in a long time.

Normally, tardiness only gets a small rise out of him. Right now, he looks like wants to dash through a wall.

We’ve barely approached the table when he rises with a screech.

“Harrison, what’s this I hear about some girl who works at the company being pregnant with your baby?”

My heart stops. Roscoe stares at me, and then at Dad, and shoves his hands in his pockets and stares at the ground.

How did he find out?



I can suddenly hear the sound of my own blood flowing.

My hands are shaking but not with the usual emotion. I’m not afraid. I’m not embarrassed. I’m actually extremely pissed.

How did my father find out about the pregnancy? Why can’t I have a life away from his vulture-like influence?

Turning to my side, I cast an accusatory glance at Roscoe. He was the one who told me about my baby. How do I know he didn’t tattle?

Roscoe probably reads my mind, because he instantly puts his hands up and shakes his head. “I swear, Harrison. It wasn’t me. It wasn’t my place to tell him.” Roscoe is not a liar, and I know he’s telling the truth.

Dad huffs in his usual scornful way. “How… just how on earth, Harrison, do you comfortably manage to mess up your own life without even trying too hard? I personally cannot believe it. I try to make sense of it, but I cannot understand it. You’re in the middle of the biggest business scandal I’ve seen in decades, and for some reason, you choose to mess things up a bit more?”

I’m not about to balk under the venom of his voice. My arms are folded and I’m watching him, and I know he’s gauging my reaction to his vigor. I’m not going to let this man have that much power over me again. I promised Charlee I’d step up and look after her and our kid, and it starts with resisting my father’s toxic energy.

When he realizes I’m not about to respond to his antics, he frowns harder and bangs a hand on the table.

“Roscoe, what kind of mentor are you anyway? You gave your brother leadership of your company and simply left him to his fate, when you know how great he is at making terrible decisions. Do you even talk to him about these things?”

Roscoe shifts uncomfortably on his feet, hands stuffed in his pockets. What exactly does any of this have to do with him? He’s come here to apprise the big man of our leads, not to get screamed at over something that’s entirely not his fault.

I’m not enjoying this conversation one bit.

Dad taps rapidly on the table, turning to face me. “Harrison, what were you thinking, sleeping with an employee? Of all the women in the world you could have chosen, you chose your employee, someone with no pedigree outside of work, no worthy background, literally a nobody!”

My head starts pounding really fast.

“That’s enough, Dad!” I say, stepping forward. “That’s enough. I’m not ten years old anymore. I’m a fully grown man and I have full authority over my own life. Yes, this is bad timing and I didn’t plan it either. And as for Charlee, she’s the woman I love and there’s nothing anyone has to say about it. We didn’t plan a pregnancy but it’s happened and you either live with it, or you don’t. I’m sorry it has to be this way. I'm embarrassing you again, but this is the reality now.”

For the first time in a very long time, I’m actually standing up to my father.

He has this look on his face, like he wants to rip something apart with his bare hands. I can see the tension creasing his forehead, and honestly, I don’t care. I’m meeting his eyes and I’m not backing down.

From the corner of my eye, I can see Roscoe pulling a seat and flopping down on it. He seems tired and upset.

Dad finally exhales. “Are you this ignorant to harsh realities, Harrison? You’re not the only one who’s ever been thirty and super rich. It’s a story as old as time. Women try to trap rich men with pregnancies to get advantage of them. All they want is the money, and I’m telling you, this girl is no different. There are ways to handle these…”

“Dad, please just stop,” I say, putting a hand up. The room suddenly feels too hot even though the ACs are blaring. “Charlee would never do that. If you took a little time to get to know people, you’d know she’s one of the best people that have ever worked here.”

Dad laughs dryly. And then he starts laughing hysterically, a sound that both irks and annoys me.

“I’m just gonna head out right now,” Roscoe says, obviously unable to endure the drama anymore. He taps me on the shoulder. “I’ll be in my office, Harrison. Dad, see you tomorrow.”