I want to be angry. I want to despise him. I want to see red at the thought of his name, but then, my mind flashes back to Roscoe telling Tess and me at dinner how Harrison has always had it hard, and yet, he’s always been the most supportive one in the family.

I know how stressful this entire period has been for me as a divisional head at Building Bridges, and I can’t even imagine how painfully difficult it must be for the CEO himself, the one who’s at the center of everything, shouldering all the gut-wrenching bile and relentless blame.

Despite my hurt, my heart goes out to Harrison.

Maybe when I’m less pissed at his careless opinion, I’ll let him know how much I support him, and how desperately I want to see him pull through from all of this.



“Seriously, Tyler, how is this happening again? Do you mean none of those prospects actually came in today? Oh my goodness.” I bury my head in my hands, desperately hoping that we’re in some sort of simulation where all of this is unreal.

One week since the recent drama with Harrison, and things haven’t changed a bit.

“Charlee, this business has become painfully stagnant. There’s nothing moving in or going out. Even the current clients are starting to avoid their periodic check-ins with us. It’s not looking good,” Tyler says, nursing his coffee mug.

Janice is working on an adult coloring book, shading a river goddess’s eye with a lovely shade of brown. “I kind of wish they never pulled me out of BB27, you know? I don’t like this sort of energy. It messes with my mental health.”

Exhaling, I reach out and grab Janice’s hand.

“Hey, we’ll get through this, okay? You’re always talking about purpose and destiny and the universe’s intentions and all that? Maybe it’s part of your purpose on Earth to be here right now, with us, as we battle one of the toughest moments of our lives.”

I’m not sure if my motivational speech is giving what it’s supposed to give, but then Tyler smiles and Janice starts laughing.

“I know things are really getting out of hand when Charlee goes all spiritual,” Janice says, squeezing my hand in both of hers.

We’re in the Marketing general room, talking since there isn’t much else to do today.

The legal team at Bridges hasn’t reached out in a while with an update. They are working with some of our top officials to gather every bit of information they can on Hayes and build a one-time destructive defense.

So far, I’m not sure the case is even budging.

In the meantime, I forgave Harrison for his rudeness the other day.

I was at home over the weekend when I got a call from him. I almost didn’t answer, but he’s my boss. He’s allowed to criticize my work despite how I feel about it. We talked for a while and he apologized, saying he was out of line and he was totally wrong about everything.

“The work you’re doing is phenomenal and I’m really happy we have you on our team. I know it can’t be easy, but you’re holding everyone up and I’m so sorry for ever implying that you’re not good at your job. You’re exceptional, if anything.”

Those were his exact words and they softened my heart. I accepted his apology, and over the past week, he’s been coming into my office a lot more, running stuff by me, asking for my input, and generally, we’re in a really good place right now.

I’m not going to get ahead of myself again, but it’s still hard. Wanting more than I’m allowed to have. It’s not easy being that girl, staying friends yet pining painfully.

I’m still talking with Janice when suddenly, it hits me again.

The nausea.

Oh goodness.

I can’t use the bathroom in the general office. I can’t even let them know how I’m feeling right now. I don’t want any speculations.

Without a word, I pick up my phone and walk briskly out of the office. Janice is calling out to me but I don’t have the time to listen.

I make it to the general female bathroom, just in time to get into a stall and empty my stomach for the second time that morning.

I’m glad the bathroom is empty because my retching is not a beautiful sound.

I’ve been throwing up for the past couple of days, and my period still hasn’t shown up.