“I need to call Sasha.”
“I should get back to Charlotte and Henry,” I said. “Do you need anything else from me, alpha?”
Matéo’s curiosity doubled. “Why do you call him that?”
“Alpha?” I repeated. The black wolf nodded. “Because he’s my leader. Didn’t you come from a pack or something?”
A thoughtful expression crossed his face that gave way to confusion. “No.”
“But what about your parents?” I pointed out. “You mentioned a mother.”
“I don’t remember her.”
Donovan touched my shoulder. “Tomorrow, when we’re all refreshed, we can go back over this. Let’s just…” He glanced at Matéo. “We’ll shelf it for now.”
The man looked even more curious than before. It was strange watching his reaction to us. Interacting with him was even more of a trip. Half the things we said didn’t seem to register while other things caught his attention.
“He must be a hermit or something,” I whispered to Donovan as we left the guest room. “He’s like really socially stunted.”
“Stefan would know more about this than me,” Donovan admitted. “I should call him. He’ll be back soon from his trip.”
I nodded. “He’s probably seen this happen once or twice in his old age.”
“Don’t say that too loud. He might hear you.”
I chuckled. “You sure you’re good here? I can stick around.”
“Go home to your family, Adam. You need to rest.”
Hearing those words made my heart ache. That was all the permission I needed to leave my alpha’s home. He could handle the stranger for now. I had to go to my mate and my son.
The walk home felt surreal. While I knew the vampires were gone, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being watched as I made my way to my cabin. Plenty of the stronger wolves were guarding the streets on the way. I nodded in greeting, adjusting the jacket my alpha gave me that was a size too big.
Henry tackled me inside the cabin. “Dad!”
“Hey, kiddo.” I choked back a sob. “Hey, are you okay? Did you protect Charlotte?”
“Yeah, we made a tent in my room and boarded up the window.”
I raised my eyebrows. “Please, tell me you didn’t use a hammer.”
“Just the dresser,” Charlotte explained while approaching us. She played with her hair. “He helped me hoist it up.”
“I suppose we’ll handle that tomorrow.”
She bit her lower lip. “What happened? When you called, you sounded…” She frowned while glancing at Henry. After a second, she shook her head. “Anyway, maybe we should camp in the living room tonight.”
“With popcorn? And a movie?” Henry jumped from my lap. “And more chocolate?”
“You gave him chocolate?” I said, my voice tinted with suspicion. “No wonder he’s so wired.”
Charlotte shrugged. “Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time.”
Henry zoomed into the other room, shifted, and knocked something over.
I scraped my hand down my face. “That was a fantastic noise.”
“Come on, sweet pup,” Charlotte said while hoisting me from the ground. “Let’s get Big Papa on the couch, okay?”