Page 28 of Mate

I groaned when his lips dipped to my neck. “Adam, wait…”

“I know. Sorry.”

“You spoke to me.”

He sniffed while adjusting my position in his arms. “Yeah, duh. We’re humans now.”

“No, I mean, in myhead.”


Around us, the pack twitched with attention. Dirt and rocks skittered across the path whenever someone kicked a clump of it. Other than that, the rest of the ranch thrummed with crickets, frogs, night birds, and a medley of other sounds. My ears tingled, straining to hear anything else. Anything atall.

But I got nothing from the surrounding fields.

“You did,” Adam finally whispered. “I heard you, too.”

“That’s never happened before.”

He frowned. “Not even with the girls?”

“I’ve had it with them, but…”

“With no one else?”

I shook my head.

“You swear?”

I nodded.

Relief loosened the frown on his mouth. He focused on me as he walked, a sleepy expression slithering into his features as he kept his eyes on my face. Every so often, his gaze dropped to my lips, but they always returned to my eyes, always keeping my pupils within focus.

What does it mean?I traced the right side of his neck with my thumb.Talking in our minds must mean something, right?

But I was too tired to ask, too defeated by the news of Henry being taken.

Guilt shredded my chest. A hiccup surfaced and then a whimper followed by a soul-crushing grunt. I buried my face into Adam’s chest to hide the rest of the sounds that showed up, a chorus of failure, dejection, frustration,terror.

I failed him, I thought.He’s not going to keep me around now that I’ve failed him.

My body trembled with the weight of my fear. And Adam felt it. I swore he felt it.

Chapter 9 - Adam

The state of the recovery room was more chaotic than the fight I broke up at the tavern. Donovan and Lucius sat pensively in the chairs to the right of the bed while Charlotte nestled into the crisp white sheets. Her petite fingers clutched the sheet on her lap, wrinkles bunching beneath the digits that worriedly clenched and relaxed in rapid succession.

Worry spattered her features. Fine lines streaked her forehead and flanked her mouth, irritation causing her earlobe to twitch like an agitated dog. No one was speaking. It didn’t seem like anyonewantedto speak. Why would we?

We just experienced one of the worst invasions right in the middle of our home.

I shattered the silence with the most important question on my mind, “How could an attack like that happen so close to dusk?”

“Beats me,” Lucius sighed while scraping his forehead with his palm. “It’s like they were justwaitingout there.”

Donovan shook his head. “They couldn’t have done it. The sun…”

“The sun was still up,” I snapped. “What the fuck is going on here? It’s like we’re missing something completely.”