I felt heat rise up the back of my neck because I was a little embarrassed by her constant prodding. “Yeah. Seems like he got some things situated at home. How come you care so much?”
“Because as long as I’ve had you, Emmett, I’ve never seen you with someone. You came out and then your parents died. I knew you dated in high school and college, but you never brought anyone around. This is the first time I’ve actually seen it.”
I chewed the inside of my cheek as we continued our walk to her car. We crossed the Cabrillo Bridge, and I paused for a moment to think. I hadn’t ever meant to hide any relationships from her. Besides mom and dad, she had been the only member of the family that had accepted me.
“I’m sorry.” I knew the words didn’t mean a lot. It was too little way too late.
She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a hug. Her long brown ponytail fell over her shoulder to drape down her back. “You are a sweet boy. Many people would have turned out differently having gone through what you have.”
I returned her embrace and buried my face in her hair. She always smelled floral and sweet. She wasn’t wrong either. There was plenty of opportunity for me to rebel. I was a rejected teenager who had lost his parents. Had I not had her, things could have been a lot different.
“You were an amazing mom, Aunt Sadie.”
She pulled back and smiled. “I was no substitute for your mother.”
“No, but you tried. And that was the important part.”
Hooking my arm through hers once more we finished our walk to the car. I offered to drive, and we got our burrito. We ate it on the floor in front of the Christmas tree at home, sharing a bag of spicy carrots and a giant cup of Jamaica.
Chapter Fourteen
Withtwodaysleftbefore Christmas, I wondered if Emmett was ever going to find the surprise I’d left for him. I debated if he had and wasn’t happy about it when the message finally came through later that night.
Emmett:When did you do this?
I smiled at the picture of the teddy bear with its Santa hat and plaid scarf. Maybe he’d just been busy there with his aunt? He hadn’t tried to invite me over again since the trip to the park. I’d wanted to go, but I didn’t want to interfere with their time together.
Cody:You were asleep. You had no clue that I even left.
Emmett:You left me sleeping there. ALONE!
I chuckled, dropping the phone against my chest for a moment. He was more concerned about being left alone than the fact that he was more comfortable sleeping next to a complete stranger.
Instead of texting him back I hit the call button. The line rang twice before he answered.
“You just left me there. Anyone could have messed with me.”
I laughed again with how frantic he sounded.
“Would you relax? I was gone for maybe ten minutes. I would’ve been more concerned about me trying to take advantage of you.”
He snorted into the line. “But someone could have taken my wallet. Or taken my things.”
My heart sank a little. The gift was meant to be cute. A reminder of the time we’d spent stuck at O’hare and he was stomping all over it.
“Sorry. I just thought you’d like the surprise.”
“Shit. Cody, I’m sorry. I’m really bad at this. I do like him.”
The unease released a little. He wasn’t trying to hurt my feelings. “I’m glad you like him. Do you think you’ll name him?”
The sound of Emmett’s laugh made my insides twist with longing. It was such a strange concept. If he invited me to join them again, I wouldn’t be able to turn him down now. Everything in me wanted to see him again.
“I don’t know. I was thinking I could name him after you.”
My mouth ran dry because he had that bear, and he could hug it and cuddle with it. He could sleep with it in his bed at night. Those were all things that I wanted to do and was denying myself.