Page 14 of Wish Me Home

I let out an airy chuckle, nodding my head in the direction of the beverage cart. I wasn’t trying to start a fight again, so I tried my best to keep my tone light. “You sure she wasn’t a girlfriend?” I teased.

Cody rolled his eyes, grabbing the cup of ice and the can from my table. “Yeah, I guess it’s a little strange she remembers my drink preferences.”

The cabin rattled, and the passenger by the window jolted upright. My heart hammered as I grabbed the armrests of my seat. Everything was still for a moment before it felt like the plane dropped out from under us for a second. The cabin rattled again.

Chapter Ten


Itwaslikewatchingslow motion, the can of Coke falling over. It spilled across the tray table and Emmett was clutching to his seat for dear life, so he wasn’t fast enough to grab the one tiny napkin to stop the liquid from pouring over the edge and onto his hoodie.

“Shit!” he cursed as he scrambled to pull it up over his head. It snagged the t-shirt underneath and I once again found my eyes drawn to his chest. I didn’t get much of a look. I really wanted to see beneath his clothes.

The plane jolted once more and Emmett dropped the hoodie back in his lap, reaching for the armrests again. He was pale and wide eyed. I knew he was nervous about flying already, so the turbulence was making it worse.

“This is your captain speaking. Sorry about that folks. It appears we’ve hit a patch of unexpected turbulence. We should be on the other side of it in just a moment.” The seatbelt lights clicked on. I reached over and rubbed up and down Emmett’s exposed forearm. The dark hair there stood on end as goosebumps broke out across his skin.

“Hey, It’s going to be okay. We’ll be through this soon.”

He gulped and nodded. “Yeah, I know. Just hope I didn’t just ruin my favorite sweater.” He pinched his eyes closed and dropped his head back against the seat. The sweater must have held some sentimental value. I hadn’t been paying too much attention outside of the fact that it was a college sweater. I wanted to say it was from SDSU, but I couldn’t recall right away.

After what felt like forever, when in reality it had probably only been ten minutes, things settled down. The seatbelt light clicked off again, so I unbuckled my seatbelt and motioned for Emmett to do the same.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Get up, we’re going to try to fix your sweater.”

He quickly scrambled to his feet after unbuckling his seatbelt and climbed into the aisle. I followed close behind him and directed him back to the bathrooms. I ducked my head into the galley and waved down Giselle.

“Hey, have any club soda or anything on hand?” I asked her waving over my shoulder at Emmett. She looked between the two of us before reaching into a cabinet and pulling out a can and handing it over.

“This your boyfriend?” she asked.

I fought the smile and failed. “No, but I wish. He’s gorgeous isn’t he?” We spoke quietly so that he couldn’t hear us gossiping about him.

She giggled and nodded, releasing the can into my hand. “Just don’t get into trouble. Clean up only in there. Got it?”

I winked as I pushed a confused Emmett into the tiny bathroom. “No promises,” I said before I shut and locked the door.

Emmett awkwardly sat on the closed toilet seat as there really wasn’t room for the both of us in here, but I had a weird feeling he wasn’t going to let me wander off with his belongings. I opened the soda and spread his sweater over the sink. I poured a small amount over the stain and worked it into the spot.

“Does that even help?” he asked, with a tone laced with skepticism.

“You know, I have no clue. I just always heard that it’s supposed to.” I continued to rub the soda into the stain when I felt him press in behind me.

“You know what I think?”

I hummed and leaned into him, forgetting the hoodie draped over the sink.

“I think that you just wanted to get me alone in this bathroom.” He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me tightly against him. There was no mistaking the hard ridge of his erection that pressed into my ass. I had told Giselle,“No promises.”

“Mr. Butler, I can assure you that my intentions were entirely pure this time. However, I wouldn’t object to a detour.”

He kissed the side of my neck, hands sneaking up the front of my shirt. I shivered at the contact and not because his hands were cold. One hand continued its trek north, finding and tweaking one of my nipples. A sharp gasp escaped my lips as I pushed into him more. It forced him against the door causing it to rattle a little.

We both froze for a moment because that was a surefire way to get us caught. We untangled briefly, only allowing enough space between us so I could turn to face him. Once face to face, all bets were off and I was shoved into the sink, sweater be damned.

Warm, firm lips met mine in a heated kiss as his fingers worked at the snap of my jeans and my hips arched into the touch.Yes, touch me there.