Page 98 of Claimed Darker

Chapter 32



After spending a few minutes researching what a tawse is and how it compares to the paddle and riding crop, I decide I should go back to the safety of the fundraising letter for my internship with a county nonprofit. We’re just ten thousand dollars short on purchasing a second refrigerated van for our food recycling program. My supervisor, Linda, had wanted me to pass it to one of the staff members and suggested I take a few days off to process what’s happened, but I’m better off keeping busy.

Everyone in the office had been shocked to hear what had happened to me. As was Simone and Kat. I found the more I talked about it, the better I felt. Aunt Coretta checks in with me daily. I told her she didn’t have to, but I like her calls. I can see myself getting back to normal.


Right now, as I sit alone in Darren’s place, which feels larger than usual, I don’t like the quiet. I miss having Simone, Kat and Amy around. But I’m determined to stay with Darren for as long as he needs me. It’s the least I can do for the man who might have saved me from serious harm or death.

“If he did that,” Coretta said, when I’d told her that the bullets that hit him might have hit me, “then he’s a hero.”

“He says he just fell into me, but I think he pushed me,” I replied. “It all happened so fast, I can’t say for sure. Whether he acted on purpose or not, I feel guilty.”

“Don’t you be doing that. It’s not your fault some lunatic drove by and starting shooting at innocent people.”

Was it a lunatic? I can’t decide if that would make me feel better or worse about what happened. Regardless, I’d feel a lot better if the police found the shooter and put him safely behind bars.

More than three hours pass. I’m antsy. I make myself a sandwich even though I’m not hungry. What is taking so long?

Sitting on a stool at the kitchen bar, I give Amy a call.

“It’s so quiet here, it’s eerie,” I tell her. “The walls and windows are thick, so I don’t even hear the sound of cars driving by. I guess I’m used to hearing all the sounds from the street and the other tenants of our apartment.”

“I wish JD would let me stay with him,” Amy sighs.

“Is your mom still in town?”

“Yeah, she’s staying at the Claremont Hotel and Spa. It’s a nice place.”

“How long is she staying?”

“Two more days. Spring break is coming up, and my family has plans to go to Maui, but I was really hoping to spend that time with JD. He hasn’t called or texted in days.”

“Maybe he’s someone who needs time alone.”

“Really? I haven’t seen him be anything but social.”

“People process trauma differently.”

“I guess. Have you seen him at all?”

“No, the club’s been closed, reopening tomorrow though.”

“If JD’s there, let me know. It’s driving me crazy not hearing from him. I hope he’s not depressed. I texted him that the prescription I’m taking helps. I didn’t want to take drugs at first, but the panic attacks were scary. You’re so lucky you don’t get them.”

I almost blurt out that sex has been my drug of choice, but that won’t help Amy and I don’t want to rub anything in.

Remembering my conversation with Simone, who was present when Amy had her first one, I say, “I’m sorry. They sound awful. I wonder if maybe I’m just suppressing my reaction. I’m glad the medication is helping.”

“Me too. But I know I’d feel better if I could just see how JD’s doing. Does Darren know?”

“Last time I checked, Darren said JD was holding up well.”

“Do they talk?”