Page 95 of Claimed Darker

Chapter 31



“I’m going down to the police station,” I lie to Bridget three nights later. “Sergeant Trawley wants to go over some stuff.”

She looks up from the table where she’s working on her laptop, a clunky piece of junk that looks like it’s only good as an oversized, unnecessarily heavy paperweight. But she won’t let me get her a new one. I don’t even have to ask. I have a laptop I rarely use, and she won’t even borrow mine. I told her she could use whatever she wanted around my place since she’s temporarily living with me. The morning after I returned from the hospital, she had offered to stay over in case I needed help with anything.

“But if you want your space, I understand,” she had said as we’d lain in bed. “I’m not trying to move in. Just thought you could use an extra pair of hands for a few days.”

Of course I was going to want her to stay. Not because I needed help, though.

“Sure,” I replied, “but you know that it’s my place, my rules.”

I wondered if she’d change her mind then, but she’d replied, “Okay.”

The following day, I had her spend the entire day in my place naked. It seemed to keep her mind off what happened.

I notice she’s jumpy. She perks up at every sound behind her. She’s restless and takes a while to fall asleep. Student health recommended she try melatonin, but that hasn’t made a difference, and she doesn’t want to try prescription drugs yet. The only thing that seems to help is sex. Probably the combination of tiring her out and flooding her with feel-good hormones.

“At this hour?” she asks.

“He’s working late tonight,” I reply.

“Did you take your antibiotics?”

“I’ll take them now.”

I go into the kitchen and down the pills.

“Does Trawley have a new lead?” she asks.

“It’s looking more and more like a random shooting,” I say as I grab my jacket.

“How can he be sure? It’s just…way too random. Why would someone want to randomly shoot people in the street?”

“That’s the definition of random. There’s no rhyme or reason. Probably some stupid fuck who got a gun for the first time and wanted some target practice.”

She furrows her brow. “I guess there are senseless people in the world.”

“Too many.”

“Well, either way, I hope the police catch the guy. I’d feel so much better.”

When we catch the gunman, I wonder if there’s a way to grant Bridget that wish. I want her to feel better. It’s only a matter of time before we smoke out the shooter…because we have the guy behind it all.

“Me, too,” I say. “I shouldn’t be too long.”

“I could come with you.”

I swallow my immediate response and say instead, “You stay here and get your work done.”

“I’m just staring at my computer screen. I can’t seem to get started on this fundraising letter. A change of scenery might be nice.”

If she knew the scenery I’m headed to, she would not think it nice.

“Trawley didn’t say he needed anyone but me.”